
Lou Dignazio
My personal story
Faith is the reason for life
As I said, I have been a Christian since 1982.
In a desperate place, I received a vision of Jesus Christ in August of 1984. I have walked closely with Him ever since.
He has taught me many things through His Word, The Holy Spirit, Visions, Prophets, Dreams and even Angels, (real ones, not imaginary, animals or people).
I quit school at the University of Texas in 1985, in my senior year, because God told me to. Since then I joined a Street Ministry in Houston, taught Sunday school for years, Led home group meetings, started two Church Plants, and all the while struggled with rejection, dismissal and hatred from "christians", especially my leadership.
This blog is both a history of my fight, a journal, and a written description of what God taught me as I went through it.
I stood with God, bloodied, sweaty, exhausted, and determined.
I still hold the hill He alone told me to hold.
I did not move, and I will still fight however He wants.
He alone is my King. I have no other.