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Updated: May 16, 2024

God can do anything. He is God, and like any author of a story, can easily do miraculous things...without any limitations.

If I wrote a novel, I could do anything within my story. I could descend on a mountain in fire, part a sea, insert myself as a character, walk on water and even raise the dead. Shoot, I could just as easily wipe out my universe and recreate it without anyone being aware of it.

I could introduce myself to select characters and ignore many others who are just filler, or background to me.

It would be easy. Earthly authors have done this for years, especially in comics and movies. The characters who the Author doesn't "make aware" have no idea, and may never will. It all depends on what the Author wants to do.

"How can He judge us then?"

Is George Lucas evil for writing painful and aweful events in Star Wars? Wasn't it his story to do with as he wishes?

It was.

So, you can judge an Author if you like. I doubt George cares what you think especially since he made so much money off of it.

Ah, but what if you are a character in the story? It's not like you could choose who you would be. You can't just say "I wanna be Luke or Leia". You can't say "I don't want to be Palpatine or Jar Jar. The Author makes you what you are.

So the author revealed Himself to you. Nice! He picked you out of millions! Yes, He did.


I have no idea, but scripture is clear, it was definately not because you earned, deserved, or were pretty enough.

He just doesn't say.

No boasting, none at all.

You would think that such a character would appreciate it. I mean out of millions, The Author

Vast humble appreciation.

It kind of changes how you would view said Author. I think worship is a good word for it, also awe, submission, love...

Yes, being Don Quixote in real life! Wow! Only this Author is more than just a man. He is going to make these specially picked characters more. They will additionally be included in the sequel. This next story will never end too!


"Well what about the other characters?"

(Sad Face Here)

Knowing the Author is a privilege none of us deserve. I am humbled by it every day. I don't know who else He has introduced Himself to, and who He has not.

Sadly, it isn't all that easy to tell. Since He doesn't pick characters because they are successful, wonderful and have good behavior. Outward appearances tell me nothing.

There is a way. Well, at least to know how well they know the Author. That is simply by how they talk about the Author.

If you over heard someone saying stupid, wrong things about your best friend, a friend you have known and hung out with for many years. Sure, it is easy to tell.

"What!? Bob doesn't like tuna! He hates tuna! He always has. You haven't met Bob, and I think he would be pissed hearing you talk about him like that!"

It is that simple. So many, make this harder.

"Oh, but you have to learn Greek and Hebrew."

No, you don't.

"You need to sell everything you have and study like me!"

No, you don't.

Please understand, if the Author introduced Himself to you, already you are one in a million. HE introduced Himself to you. You did not create Him. You did not figure Him out. He created you, and picked you from before you first took a breath.

So, trust the Author. He has a story just for you. You may not do great things, but that is up to Him.

Since this first book is going to end, what you do here, other that getting to know said Author, doesn't matter.

It really doesn't.

If the Author hasn't introduced Himself to you, I cannot really help you, other than encouraging the pursuit of Him.

If you ignore, mock, insult or even kill me for my attempts, it doesn't matter. You were not written to understand.

It is just how the story goes.

If you are meant to will. Not necessarily from my efforts, or others like me. No, He can introduce Himself very well without any help.

He is the Author after all. He can do anything He wants.

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