Ask and You Will Receive

If God wanted it to be better, it would be.
This is a fact. Can you accept it?
God can change matter, can He not?
God can change minds, can He not?
God can change reality, can He not?
So, if He can do it, but doesn't do it, then He wants it the way it is.
Do you really think you are in His way?
Can you stop Him in your thoughts?
Can you thwart His plans with your strength?
Can you change His mind with your words?
Then why on earth do you think you have any way of interfering with what God is doing in your life, good or bad?
You are His work.
The arrogance of man is in direct correlation to his stupidity.
Ah, but is His work in you of a permanent or temporary nature?
It would be wise to find out.
You can ask.
