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Ready or Not

What if the scriptures are true?

What if we are in the final days where Jesus Christ will return?

Me, I am absolutely convinced both of these things are true.

If it does go this way, it will get real ugly in our lifetime. Scripture speaks of global persecution for both Jews and Christians.

It won't be protests, it will be persecution, murder, and incarceration. Yes, that is what is written.

Sure, you can hope that Jesus will come before it all. Most do. Ah, but there is much scripture to show that this view is horribly wrong.

Remember the foolish virgins?

Yeah, they will think the Bridegroom is coming early...

So, if He does come late...will you be able to handle it?

You won't be able to rely on your pastor, priest, or church. They will be shut down, and most likely dead or jailed.

You won't be able to "word faith" your way out of a life on hiding, or living on the run.

Jesus said that this time period will be the worst ever...and there have been some really bad periods.

No, to keep your trust in God through this time, you will need to know Him extremely well.

Keep in mind, while this persecution is happening, the Seals and Trumpets will be occurring. One third of the green things dying. One third of the oceans dying. Blackness and smoke, blotting out much of the sun and moon.

Yeah, it will be terrifying, apocalyptic, but scripture says that God is doing all of that. No, it won't be because of climate change. It will be because God is getting pissed off.

How do you think your faith in God will hold if this starts four years from now?

Will you be ready?

Do you trust Him enough to make it through?

If you can't hear Him, and you can barely tolerate the life He has given you now...well, do you think you can do it then?

Sorry, even if you do hear Him, you can't.

No, you are not strong enough.

Oh, but He is.

Can you see why we need the faith in Him now?

I hope so.

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