Controlling The Uncontrolable
Updated: Sep 19, 2024

You have no power.
You never did.
Don't believe it?
Just try to control your thoughts.
Shoot, you can barely stop eating a bag of chips.
That was the original lie, you know. That you could be a god.
That you could be in control.
You can't.
Everything we do is this stupid attempt to try to gain control.
You need to exercise more.
Eat less.
Learn more.
Serve more.
Earn more.
Control spending.
Control my kids.
Contol my friends.
Control government.
Control the weather.
Do this.
Do that.
Yeah, it's not working.
It never will.
So the next best thing is to fail, but tell yourself that at least you are doing better than that guy!
How sad!
We are not gods.
The only one who has control is God. The Author of the story.
Yeah, maybe try trusting Him.
Jesus was a perfect example.
He actually was God, but set it aside and trusted The Father.
Even after it looked to everyone else that He failed miserably...well, He rose from the dead.
Yes, that's the greatest come back story ever!
Now, He is in control.
