Happy Face

So, I was watching The Chosen a couple nights ago.
For the most part, the show is pretty good and somewhat accurate. I take a small issue with Jesus using modern vernacular such as "get use to it" and "good luck with that."
I get it that they are trying to make it more acceptable for today's audience. So, that's not realt that big of a deal. Though, luck is not a biblical concept and Jesus would never say it. I can ignore it.
However, the episode I saw the other night was about Jesus preparing for the sermon on the mount. That one was rather off.
It made Jesus into man like us. This I have a larger problem with.
Yes, Jesus was born as a "man like us" but He was vastly more. He had perfect faith. He walked perfectly with the Spirit of God.
John 5:19
[19] Jesus gave them this answer: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.
Walking by faith is walking by the Holy Spirit. Faith is sight. When you walk by the Spirit, you KNOW what to do. You can "see" it...as clear as day.
In the episode, Jesus practiced His sermon, stressing over the content just like any man would. This is not something Jesus would do.
He never needed to practice. He was also never unsure.
He is God, even though He walked as a man.
The Truth of it is, nothing, and I mean nothing Jesus did or said was random. God does not need luck. He is the source of favor, chance and fate are not even things.
If you realize this, the scriptures will open up to you in a way that reveals His power and authority.
God is in control.
Every parable, every healing, every action by Gentiles and Jews, was orchestrated for a purpose. To teach, reveal and draw us closer to a complicated relationship with the owner of the universe.
Scripture isn't the answer, Jesus is. Scripture points to Him.
When you look at something He does that is hard to understand, bring it to Him. His Holy Spirit is more that ready to teach you, and He does so happily!
He didn't need to practice. He never did, and He never will. If you want to know Him, all you have to do is ask.
Oh, and sitting, lovingly, listening, is something that will get a reaction out of Him.
He will smile at you.
