I Know The Rock

So, if I told you that I know Dwayne Johnson you would assume a few things.
You would assume that I have actually met and had discussions with him. For if I just knew a bunch about him, from study and watching him in movies, you would correctly assume that I didn't really know Dwayne.
You could also assume that I didn't just bump in to him at a media event. Just meeting someone isn't "knowing" them. He would have no clue who I was. He meets thousands at these events. You can't know someone by a one time meet.
If I said I knew the Rock, you would assume that I have met him on more than one occasion, had conversations, and shared information about myself as he did himself.
If I know the Rock, I am relating to him.
You could also assume if I know The Rock, then He knows me. That my relationship with Him has long past from introduction, and acquaintance to something more... a friendship.
Yes, to know someone is much more than just knowing about them. It only takes interaction.
Well, I don't know Dwayne Johnson, but I do know Jesus Christ, and I absolutely know that He knows me.
Do you really know Jesus, or do you just know about Him? He can be known. More than that, He can know you.
It's nice to be known by The Rock.
