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It is Hidden

Updated: May 16

Luke 18:31-34

31. Jesus took the Twelve aside and told them, "We are going up to Jerusalem, and everything that is written by the prophets about the Son of Man will be fulfilled.

32. He will be handed over to the Gentiles. They will mock him, insult him, spit on him, flog him and kill him.

33. On the third day he will rise again."

34. The disciples did not understand any of this. Its meaning was hidden from them, and they did not know what he was talking about.

I find it fascinating how God hides truth from people. Yes, it says that above. It is in scripture, which is, of course, God's Word.

What is funny too, is that though this truth is written in black and white (sometimes red even), unless God opens blind eyes, the truth of it is completely unseen.

It is hidden.

Hidden in plain sight as they say.

Don't believe it's possible?

Consider those around you in this world. How many truths do you clearly see, that many seem absolutely oblivious too?

Donald Trump is just a guy. Not a particularly great guy, and it seems obvious that he is not a Christ follower, considering how he talks and acts toward people who oppose him. Still, he did a good job running this country other than how he let "experts" make a terrible mess over the virus. The glaring truth that many can't see is how the Donald has been treated by those who oppose him. The cases against him, the lawsuits, the obvious psychos who accuse him, these clearly are very bad actors, that many, many, just don't see.

As a Christian, Jesus being God is also an obvious truth, that most just can see. So, considering even what you believe about anything, it is obvious that many truths are hidden from many people.

He is God, and He can do what He wants.

In Christian teaching there are also many truths hidden from Christians, just like the disciples. I just find this fascinating. What is sad, is that debating these things to find the truth is so frowned upon.

"It will cause division!"

Isn't the fact that we can't discuss these issues a division? Seriously! Wouldn't a healthy discussion bring Christians more together than sitting in our separate corners, churches, and denominations?

Of course they would...if we could just see the truth if it...

Yet, here we are, because we can't.

See! It's rather fascinating!

"Why would God do this!"


I'm sorry, I love the questions. I love the challenges. You see (if you are allowed to), these questions are how we seek and know God!

To know God is to grow in trust, faith.. and love. Yes, if you know God, you will find He is so good, and awesome, that you can do nothing but trust and love Him.

He IS that good.

Ah, but if you can't see, you just won't look. I find this sad, but knowing that it is God's doing, I know He has a good reason for it.

I trust Him.

The scary part of this comes in two questions...

  1. Why do I see this truth?

Yes, why? I'm not smarter, no. You don't see truth because you are, and if you think so, you are blind still to the most important truth. The scary answer to this is that I see truth simply because HE wants me too.

Should I feel honored? No. I think it is rather humbling. I want people to know and see what I see. However, I can show them in the book, blatant passages, and whole chapters, that clearly state truth. Believers even, cannot see it, and will become angry over it.

Just fascinating!

This leads me to the second scary question...

2. What truth do I not see?

Ah, but I don't know...because it is hidden.

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