It's A Work in Progress
Updated: Dec 15, 2023

There is faith and there are works.
Faith is what God wants from us. Works are a byproduct of faith.
If I believe in something it will motivate me to do something. For example, if I believe my house is about to explode, I will usher everyone out of it along with myself.
Faith is trusting God, what He says, what He wants. Trusting God so much that when everyone else rejects His rule, you will stubbornly stand with Him even if it costs you everything.
Works are good deeds, but more often than not they are useless for pleasing God. Works done to "earn" our way into heaven are irrelevant. Faith alone leads to salvation and acceptance into heaven, a place of God's presence.
A good deed can be anything from praying for people to feeding the hungry. A good deed because you love and trust God will happen naturally, under no compulsion from man. A good deed done without faith will feed your ego.
So, how do you know if your work is not of faith?
Simple, if what you do makes you feel superior to anyone, your work is not because of faith.