An Apology
Updated: Jun 26, 2024
A CHRISTIAN, by definition, is a follower of Jesus Christ, his teaching and his commands. A Christian is a disciple or student of Jesus Christ. A student is not a perfect reflection, but is committed to making every effort to live in the way of their teacher.
A Christian is a person who endeavors to trust God as Jesus taught. A person who trusts in God (who is in control of all things) WILL try to better their life and others lives, but WILL NOT break God’s commands to do so. For to break His commands would be to not trust God, which is active rebellion… a claiming of godhood over and above God Himself. He made the rules. A Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, would believe this for this is plainly written about in the scriptures.
A HYPOCRITE is a person who says one thing but by actions lives in opposition. A hypocrite will break God’s commands and say “but God wants me to be happy”. A hypocrite will commit adultery, engage in fornication, lie, gossip about others to their hurt, cheat, steal, and do all manner of evil openly without repentance and all the while justifying that way of life by convincing themselves that God’s grace and love will cover it all.
I have seen way too much of this over the years and it is becoming increasingly worse. Posting scripture or cute little Christian “like” posts on Facebook, wearing bracelets, or having bumper stickers does not make anyone a Christian, nor does it motivate God to accept you by your “Christian like” efforts.
Acceptance comes only by Faith in Jesus Christ alone, but faith creates action. If you are still living like a sinner, you are not trusting in Jesus Christ. You are not a Christian. The American slave owners were not Christians. How can I tell? They did not “treat others as they want to be treated”. The money pandering TV preachers ARE NOT Christian. How can I tell? Well, do you really think Jesus would be bilking folks out of their money?? Are these types of people living like Jesus or even remotely attempting to?
How about those who leave their spouses because they are not happy (Marriage is a vow before God, to a Christian, and is not breakable other than by one party’s infidelity ie: THEY broke the covenant)? How about any sex outside of marriage? How about those who trash others simply because they don’t like their personality, color, social status, or where they are from? How about those who lie to get jobs, promotions or anything they can’t get by being honest? How about those who do anything, ANYTHING wrong for a “good” reason? What would Jesus do? What would Jesus approve of? The fancy bracelet is meaningless if the words it represents are meaningless.
Galatians 6
New International Version (NIV)
7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
The trouble with deception is that you don’t know you are deceived. It is also true that we tend to be deceived not by lies that we don’t want to believe, but by lies we WANT to believe. Are you lying to yourself? Do you study what Jesus teaches – like a student (a student of Jesus, not a student of some well-known preacher)? Have you heard yourself say “it’s OK because God wants me to be happy”? God’s rules do not change. Your vow before God is not subject to your happiness or success.
I have here a rather provocative post and it is very judgmental. However, the truth I post is scriptural. It is God’s written judgment, His truth, not mine.
If you are one who calls yourself a Christian and this pisses you off, consider this. This is what the bible teaches, this is what Jesus teaches. Are you deceived? It might be time for a bit of self-reflection. For the end result of a hypocritical life is destruction. Is it time for a course correction? Jesus accepts all who come to Him, but if you want to go with Him, you will have to go HIS way… going your own way will not get you to where He is going.
If you are not a Christian, please accept my apology for the hypocrites (and many there are) who have given Jesus Christ a bad name. Jesus really is awesome. His example is the best of all possible ways for any man or woman to live. Although, as real Christians, we are but students and not perfect in our efforts to walk the way Jesus did, but we are also not happy about those “Christians” who openly deny Christ by their actions.
For these people, I apologize and confess to you, they are not like Him, or us, who truly do follow Him.