Will It Be Worth It?

If you seek God, you will find Him.
He will not be like what you thought He would be, but if you can accept who He really is, you will find Him far better than anything you can imagine.
The advantages?
You will see Him smile, even when you are pissed off at Him.
You will KNOW you are loved, no matter what you do.
You will understand He has a good reason for everything that happens to you.
You will have a confidence that you absolutely cannot fail, for He is working in you and He does not fail.
You will know, that you know, you will be beyond pleased with His work when you are done here.
The disadvantages?
The closer you get to Him, the more others will despise you.
You cannot get away with anything. If you disobey Him, you WILL be punished, like any good Father would.
You will not succeed in a worldly way. He doesn't want your ego. He has your heart.
He will frustrate you, dissapoint you, and drive you crazy. These things are necessary to shape you, how He sees fit.
You will face a Gethsemane, culminating in a surrender to His will, at least once...more likely, many times.
The worldly men will hate you, especially those in the churches. They may even kill you.
Your life will be hard...not full of financial blessings, fame and respect.
Anyone who tells you otherwise, is a liar.
"So, why would you want to seek Him?"
When His work here is complete, the life He gives you as a reward for doing so, is beyond the best possible existence you could ever imagine, plus it will never end...just get better.
He once told me, with a big smile, one like a father about to present his son with a souped up Mustang convertible, "When this is over, you will be really pleased."
He does not lie.
So, neither do I.
