Aiming For The Center
The Word Sin has come to mean "missed the mark". It has been used as an archery term. Back a few hundred years ago, The English word Syn meant "the distance between where the arrow lands, and the center of the target.
Yet, the word is by far older. The first use of the word in scripture, is in Genesis 4:7, where God speaks to Cain, just prior to him murdering his brother.
In this first use, I found that the word ḥaṭṭā'āṯ, used in that verse originally meant "struggling with the distance between good and evil, or God and man".
This revelation changed much for my understanding of scripture as a whole. It just makes sense. Sin is the struggle with the knowledge of our distance from God. He is perfect, and we suck in comparison.
How can we stand next to Him? How can He tolerate us? The natural reaction is to hide...or pretend He doesn't even exist.
"Maybe there is someone "lesser" out there?"
Of course the reason this all happened was because Adam and Eve desired to become like God.
James 1:14-15
[14] but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.
[15] Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
They got this lie directly from the devil, the accuser, the serpent.
Isaiah 14:13-14
[13] You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.
[14] I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High."
The only way to "ascend" is to work. The work required is to elevate ourselves by pulling something higher down. This is why "works" can never save!
The Law, is the written form of the knowledge of good and evil. Because it shows how bad we really are, and that becoming "like" God is impossible, our only hope is acceptance through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
God, the Author of this story, was obviously not surprised by this turn of events. He wrote the whole story before He said "Let there be light". He wrote the story with Himself!
He IS the WORD.
It was intentional...all of it, and still is.
He showed me something a couple of months ago. Seeing God's power and place, and being perfect. Knowing that God doesn't make mistakes, then, when He wrote this story, there was no better way to do this; for the deeper purpose He has for it all...Satan, evil, and all the terrible things that happen. It is intentional, and perfectly the absolute best way it could have been done!
Since our situation is intentionally uncomfortable, or intolerable, and we cannot fix it ourselves, our only option is to trust the One who put us here. He has a reason...and it is good.
Of course, if you don't know The Guy, and you are in a messy life, you could blame Him, and even hate Him. Many do. Yet, when you do meet God, and interact with Him, you will find He is good, even though the life He gives you hurts.
He is the same. He doesn't change. How I found Him is how anyone will find Him. Of course, if you like evil, we'll, your not gonna like Him...not at all.
So being intentional, all of our lives have a purpose. Every good and bad event is planned to move us in a certain direction...the center.
He is the Center of the target. Jesus, being God in time, is the focal point for trusting God, outside of time and space. ALL things point to the center, every good and bad event, every truth and lie.
You cannot trust God, without knowing God. If you don't know God, but imagine a "lesser" version so you are more comfortable, you will "miss the mark".
Rings are used to highlight a target. They help the archer to aim toward the center. Creation is a ring. The Bible is a ring. Problems are a ring. The corruption of this world is a ring. Prayer is a ring. Going to church is a ring. The Law is a ring.
The Center, is Jesus Christ. A real, intimate relationship with God, both in and out of time. This happens when you accept God, as who He IS and trust in Him, even though it looks like He hates you. It is a connection so deep, it defys the logic of this world.
As it has always been, if you aim at a ring, you will miss the mark. The only reason for each ring is to help you aim for the center. This is why so many "believers" get so caught up in a side issue, becoming arrogant and obnoxious about it.
"You must speak God's true name!"
"You must spend hours and hours in prayer!"
"You must pray in toungues!"
"You must memorize most of scripture!"
"You must serve in our church!"
"You must go to bible college!"
"You must believe the rapture is coming tomorrow!"
"You must work in a food pantry!"
"You must do _______ to become like God!"
Yes, though some of these "actions" are good, if they become a work to ascend, you will miss the center of the target completely!
The center is a deep, and personal, relationship with God. He IS knowable, and easily reachable. All you have to do is seek He IS. If you diminish Him in any way, you are creating a false image, an idol. He hates that, and you would too, if someone "befriended" a false image of you.
He wants to be known, so do we. How much better will your life be when you realize that you KNOW the One running the show...and He KNOWS you.
For me, this is everything.
So, hitting the target is that connection, that closeness. The deterent to this connection is effort. Everything you do to ascend. Doing this, your target has changed from Him, to you.
Faith comes first. If your action isn't a happy response to faith, but a struggle to be better, you are aiming in the wrong direction.
Look at the big picture. See the target. Identify the rings. They are constantly there, always pointing, always guiding, every trouble, every blessing.
If you can see them, focus on what they encircle, you will then see Him.
You will see Him smile.
Don't miss.