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Updated: Sep 18, 2024

Before they ate from the tree they were naked, and it was not a problem.

Once they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they realized they were naked.

What did they gain?

Knowledge about good and evil.

Good, or perfect, is where God is at.

Evil is the opposite of perfection, or anything other than perfection.

Adam and Eve saw their imperfection. Basically they became self-aware. They saw the vast difference between themselves and God, so they hid from him.

Since then man has either turned away from God (still hiding, so they don't have to face the humiliation), pretended that by doing something (like make fig leaf clothing) that they are now good enough, or say to themselves that they are god.

A wee bit later, in His mercy, God gave man the law, purely to show what perfection looked like so they would have to face the fact that they are not god, nor can they be.

He then becomes a man to fulfill the requirements of the law, proving he was God, then ending a covenant (the law, is the terms of a covenant like a marriage that was "until death" - why He had to die, He was both God and man...both sides of the covenant) that was in place only to show man that he could not make himself perfect. That only God is perfect and if we trust in Him, He is more than OK with the difference. So, in order to again have a good relationship with God, all we need to do is trust in Him.

You see the relationship problem is on our end, not His. Jesus said He was God, proved it by what He did and said. Who else was as kind? Who else was as good? Who else would willingly die such a horrible death just to say "I love you"?

Did any of the other religious icons do that?

Do you know He will still say that to you? All you need to do is ask Him. What have you got to lose? A pair of fig leaf shorts? A lonely life where you pretend you are OK? Or a rigid life of bizarre rules to win favor that you can already have just by asking?

This is the true Gospel message, isn't it really good news? That is what the word "Gospel" means after all.

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