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It's in The Book

Updated: Jun 13

The bible defines "the Church" as everyone who believes in and follows Jesus as God.

Unfortunately there are not many members of "the Church" that are actually in the churches.

This is obvious by the actions of most of the people in the churches. "Turn the other cheek", "treat others as you want to be treated", Lover your brother more than yourself"...the list goes on and on.

Faith is the source of Action, and faith drives consistent action. Pharisees and fake Christians only act like Christ for short periods of time...generally at church meetings or in front of people they want to impress.

Don't be fooled, God is not being tricked by this. He will judge the hypocrites...and he will be way nicer to the people who wholly embraced evil that these.

It is in the book, for anyone who wants to see it.

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