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Updated: Mar 11

John 17:11-12

11. I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name--the name you gave me--so that they may be one as we are one.

12. While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.


(dumd )

1. ADJECTIVE [v-link ADJ]

If something is doomed to happen, or if you are doomed to a particular state, something unpleasant is certain to happen, and you can do nothing to prevent it.

Their plans seemed doomed to failure.


Someone or something that is doomed is certain to fail or be destroyed.

I used to pour time and energy into projects that were doomed from the start.

God is love. Yes, that is true. However assuming that He is ONLY love and kindness isn't reality. God is much more than just love.

God is firm in purpose. Oh, and He doesn't love everyone the same way.

Judas followed Jesus for several years. He assumed he, himself, was fine. He was one of THE twelve. I am sure he thought he was right with God all the way up to when he wasn't.

He was doomed.

He, like Pharaoh, was raised up for a disastrous purpose. Did God love him? Yes, I believe a plot device.

Look, you can ignore these and many uncomfortable biblical truths if you want. Yet, keep in mind...that is what Judas did. It IS what is written in God's word.

It is a good thing to know God, and to understand that He is always more than what we know. It is also a good thing to realize that we know God purely because He wants us to. It is by His grace.

Our salvation IS by grace and salvation comes because we trust in God. We trust God because we know Him. No one is saved by any other means, especially not because we are smart enough, good enough, or beautiful enough.

Judas knew of Jesus, but even walking with Him, hearing Him teach, and even doing miracles in Jesus' name didn't help him.

He never really knew Jesus, never really accepted Him.

He was doomed. Intended, and specifically made for destruction.

Yes, it is sad, if you think about it.

So, how bad was he, really? Sure, he betrayed Jesus. Still, based on his response after everything went south, he never intended Jesus to be crucified. Many scholars believe that Judas intended to force Jesus into a confrontation with the leaders and Rome. That he did believe Jesus to be the Messiah, but that the Messiah was going to take over and rule...immediately.

He thought he was helping. He was...just not like he thought he was.

I think they have a point. Surely, Judas didn't sit down and think, "well, this guy, who does all these miracles, is a loon. I've wasted several years here, and well, I could sure use an extra 30 pieces of silver..."

Clearly, Judas didn't believe Jesus was God, none of them did until He rose from the dead. If he had, Judas would never have been stealing money from their ministry funds.

Who would do something like that knowing God would surely know!

Yet, God does know, and "christians" still lie, cheat, and steal.


It is simple. Because they don't really believe.

Phillipians 2:12-13

12. Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,

13. for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.

Work it out!

We are told to take this seriously. Relying on God's "love" isn't going to save anyone. It may make you comfortable. It may make you confident in your lackadaisical attitude toward Him, but it won't save you from the Lake of Fire.

Only making Jesus Lord, and trusting Him will, and your attitude and actions will reflect that.

"But I'm comfortable with what I know!"

So was Judas...

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