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Pointing In The Wrong Direction

Many years ago, while I was unemployed from another layoff, I began watching a series of YouTube videos about a guy named Ron Wyatt. The videos, like any TV documentary, were done professionally with music, dramatic reenactment, and tons of corroberating testimonies. They were very convincing.

Having way to much time on my hands, I couldn't help but get caught up in them.

Ron, was a nurse, who also became an amateur archeologist. The videos seem to chronicle his search for Noah's Ark, and the Ark of The Covenant...yes, like a modern day Indiana Jones.

I definately got caught up in them.

I don't know how many videos I watched, but I watched them all, in order, to travel down that road toward a climax...that never came.

The videos were building, with each absolutely amazing revelation that Ron, who now seemed like some prophet, would recieve as if from God.

When I finally got to the last video, it left off with the search still on going, even though the prior videos implied the ultimate discovery of the Ark. There were no more!

So, I began a larger search. I found that Ron was full of crap. Quite a few who knew him, and heard him speak, saw his exaggeration and made up discoveries that never showed any proof. He never got approval for many of the supposed dig sites where these "discoveries" were made. Oh, and he made quite a bit of money from these talks.

Ron died in 1999 without proving his discovery of both Noah's Ark and the Ark of The Covenant. It seems to me, to be another hoax purported by a con man.

Still, there are teachers out there still raving about this man's discoveries!

What discoveries?

This whole scenario taught me a valuable lesson. Videos, and speakers, can sound very convincing if you add music, drama, and a over emphasized point that to not believe them is stupid.

When you say something often enough...

Yes, I really think the drive to ascend is our greatest challenge to overcome in our sin nature. The temptation to be better than everyone else, can make you believe the most ridiculous things. Oh, and a series of dramatic videos often just seal the deal.

Look, I have no problem entertaining a crazy idea or two. I think you have to look and consider, but if there is just one obvious fact to disprove it, we'll, then that idea becomes worthless.

Take a fake moon landing for example.

My father worked as an electrical engineer for General Electric during the moon missions. He was gone for weeks at a time. He worked on the team that built the Lunar Rover. Yes, that vehicle the astronauts drove around with. It's supposed to be still up there, as they never brought it back.

Do I believe we went to the moon? Yes, absolutely. If my dad was involved with some massive conspiracy to fool the Russians, he would have said something long before he died. He wasn't a perfect father by any means, but he was definately no liar.

Still, if you start watching all those dramatic videos out there, you may start to lean that way. It gets cemented as they tell you only the stupid sheep believe the obvious lie.

Seriously, Bill Clinton was caught doing an adulterous act in the oval office and only two people were involved! Do you realize how many would be lying to fake a moon landing? An Alien ship in Roswell? A flat earth?

The odds that no one in any of these proclaimed government coverups didn't tell folks around them is absurd. I'm sorry, if two people were involved, and it went public, how on earth are they going to keep thousands quiet??

Oh, sure, the videos often show a "whistle blower" with face covered. So it must be true. There is no actual evidence, the same as all of Ron Wyatt's "discoveries".

Monica kept the dress!

As I said, these videos and speakers can be very convincing. They have perfected their argument. They even have a large cult-like following. They also, always, put down the fools who don't agree with them...and so do their followers. Yes, WE see the truth and the blind fools don't.

Think you won't be fooled? Well, consider the Christian message most "believers" adhere to. We know the truth. We see the truth. We came to the truth by reason, by searching it out. Therefore, those who don't believe are just stupid.

Ok, you don't generally hear "christians" calling unbelievers stupid, but to call them stubborn, blind or decieved is the same.

Of course, this IS what they are. Yet, biblically so we're we, and we did not become "enlightened" because we were smarter!

No, we find Christ only because He gave us Faith through grace. We did nothing to earn it, deserve it, or recieve it...nothing. Yes, that IS what it says. We are not better at all.

He chose you.. you did not choose Him. Yes, He did say this, more than once. But once, is enough.

Do you believe it? Or, do you self-elevate because you see the truth?

"I will ascend and be like God."

Believing you got saved by something you did, either in gaining knowledge, or even by reaching out to "accept" this grace, is wrong, very wrong.

The trouble with being decieved is that you don't know you are.

A good way to tell if you got any idea wrong is to look at it from a cult like manner.

"Does it make me feel superior?"

"Are others stupid for not "getting" it?

The message of Christ is simple. Jesus will accept any who come to Him. Yet, it is only The Father who draws them. He gives no reason for who, why, and when He does draw them, and does it where, when, and with whom He chooses.

It takes faith to believe this.

A faith He alone gives.

So, no one is better, just in a better place, now and later.

So, if none of us deserve, or earned this wonderful gift, doesn't it seem like we should be sharing this to everyone? Even Hilter like people? The worst of the worst?

Yes, yes it does.

So, from our perspective we don't know who God the Father is choosing. This why we cast a net, to spread the bait to as many as possible, so we can actually be part of what God the Father is doing.

Our job is simply to point to Jesus.

So, a great way to see if someone is a con man, is to look and see where they are pointing.

Is it them?

Is it them and their very wise followers?

Is it to their series of videos and audio messages?

Is it to their books or minisrty?

Is it to their church?

Or, is it to Jesus Christ.

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