Updated: Jun 28, 2024
One of my daughters has a problem with how I talk about God so much.
I tried to explain, but I don’t think I got very far. Like many, she has a problem with religion.
Well, so do I. You see the word “religion” doesn’t mean what it used to mean.
In our current culture it has come to mean a blind faith, a belief system without evidence. Which is why it is understandable that thinking people do not think it is reasonable to believe in a “religion”.
Sorry, but this is not reality. Religion is no different than a specific science. It is the simply the study of truth. If anyone holds to their “faith” without evidence, then they do have a “religion” like the culture claims. This should not be so.
I believe in God because of many proven reasons due to a huge amount of evidence, not because of “feelings” or what I have been told. I investigate and test it, just the same as any scientist would investigate a theory regarding any animal, plant or mineral. And yes, I can reproduce this evidence… I do so on a regular basis.
So can I prove there is a God?
Can anyone else?
Yes. All you need do is ask him.
I have been reading lately in Isaiah, and then Jeremiah (these are Old Testament books). Repeatedly God gets annoyed at Israel because they ignore him, and turn to idols made of wood or stone, and trust in them. Over and over He blasts them for trusting in something that can’t hear, talk or do anything… So here we have a God, who many don’t even know exists, bashing gods, that don’t exist, because they CAN’T respond or interact with people.
Do you see this?
Do you realize that because of this, GOD is obligated to respond?!
I know he is.
I know He does.
Am I crazy?
Maybe, but it seems to me that if you have a means of easily proving or disproving the existence of a Supreme Being, for your own self, and still do not make any effort… well, that is pretty crazy.
In school they would have called that “bad science”. In our culture, they call that something else entirely… religion.