Sometimes, That's What it Takes
I've been in the book of Job lately. I've not really noticed it before, but much of the dissagreement between Job and his wayward friends was about God's control.
Because of the original lie, that we can be like God, we don't like the idea of God's sovereignty. We just don't.
I'm sorry, but it's true and it's visible in all sorts of bad theology. From Word Faith, where "faith" is in our ability to use words backed by will (witchcraft anyone?), to the concept of Free Will, where God is halted, or limited, by our choices. Both smack of "I will ascend".
When you agree with the other side, do you really know what side you are on?
"But how can we truly love God if we don't have a choice?"
A dog doesn't choose who takes it into his home as a puppy. Yet, he loves who feed, pets, and cares for it. Little dogs LOVE their owners. However, they are also notorious for eating "loved" owners if they pass away.
Love is not a feeling, and as I have written many times, biblical love, God's love, is expressed in kindness.
Matthew 5:44-45
44. But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
45. that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
God's kindness, or love, is expressed daily, by his taking care of us.
"But what about when He doesnt?"
This is where Job and his friends got it wrong. The concept, that they were stuck in, is simple. God is in time, and reactive just like a Zues, Odin, Allah, or any other man-made deity.
Because God is in time and reactive, God can only respond to our behavior good or bad, rewarding or punishing, depending on what we do. This puts our actions, our choices, above God's ability to control. In this line of thinking, He is not sovereign over us...we are.
He is then, just a facilitator.
Yeah, God hates that.
Job thought, just as his friends, but knew he did nothing wrong, so he was rightly pissed off. Job's friends, couldn't accept that Job did nothing wrong, because that would put God's goodness into question!
Wow, that WOULD be a scary thought!!
Yet, God responds to them all by saying, "Dude, you are nothing but a puny man, a nobody, a nothing. You have no clue how big I really am. You can't even fathom what is really going on, so you will have to just trust me."
Trust, or faith EVERYWHERE, in scripture is the ONLY way to be accepted by God.
You can't know God is good by just hearing about Him. You must get to know Him on a personal level.
I know God is good. I know He is more powerful than my tiny mind can grasp. I know He knows what He is doing, and is in complete control of all circumstances and choices...ALL of them, from mine, my families, my friends, my coworkers, my church leaders, and even the devil himself.
If you can't accept this, you have no idea the freedom this understanding brings. It gives everything, everyday, a focal point of truth. All events, decisions, and actions, good or bad to me, are there for my benefit...from the Heart of a good God.
This brings a great freedom from being judgemental, if we can swallow it. How can I blame myself, or others, for their decisions if they are all ordained by Him, for our benefit?
I cant, and neither can you.
So what if, their decisions got them down a road that enslaved them to drugs, alcohol, sex, or stupidity?
Knowing that I am one decision, from God, away from the same road, should more than make me nice to to them love them, in spite of the mess they are in.
I have no fear of failure. It doesn't mean I'm not going to do something that will displease God, and hurt those I care about, but it does mean that even if I do, it was as necessary as the cross, for me, and those I care about.
Yes, all of it!
Can you see the freedom this can offer? If you know you are His, ALL things will work together! That is what it says. It is what is written.
Now, still, the struggle is watching those we care about face Job-like circumstances...
My two daughters are not walking with God. One is even running screaming in the opposite direction. It breaks my heart. Yet, I know God. If He wanted to, could fix every problem, heal every hurt. He might do it today...
Oh, I hope so, but if He doesn't, well, I also know He knows what's best. Look, He loves our loved ones more than we do, but though that is no guarantee that He will save them, it does mean that the best outcome will happen.
Free, yes, free indeed. It does not depend on us, as Job's friends argued. It does depend solely on a good God, with ultimate power.
So, when it seems that God is being unkind to us, or ours, knowing He is good, and in control, is key to making Him smile.
He wants faith. He will get faith. He, who definately knows how, will set up the perfect scenario in order to get it.
That might be terrible choices on our part, or others, but in the end, it WILL work. He doesn't make mistakes, and ours, will never thwart His purpose and plan.
That, is a biblical fact.
Be free my friends!