Stop Humanizing God
Updated: May 16, 2024

God is
God is a being outside of time and space.
Just being outside of time makes Him impossible to comprehend.
Due to our fear of the unknown, and our desire to raise ourselves up, we do our best to bring God down.
Zues, Odin, and a number of other false gods, created by men, are more like a human with vast powers. They are nothing like a being that never changes and created time itself.
Nothing even remotely like Him.
God can do anything!
"If God can do anything, can God make a rock that He can't lift?"
Yes He can, and then He can pick it up and take it home.
"That doesn't make any sense!"
Ok, if I write a story, in that story/universe I am god. I can do anything. In the story, I can part seas, set mountains on fire, create a great evil enemy, make myself a character, die and rise again.
I can. I can even call myself...Bob.
Bob, the mighty, Bob, the all powerful!
So, in the story, an evil opponent, Jeff, shoots Bob with a bazooka. Of course, Bob is invulnerable so the explosion does not harm him at all.
Flabbergasted, Jeff, yells "That's impossible!"
Bob replied, "Nothing is impossible for me!"
Jeff says " Oh yeah? Well if you can do anything, create a rock that you cannot lift!"
Smiling to himself, Jeff smirks, knowing that it is impossible for Bob to do.
Yet the impossible happens right before his eyes...Bob, with a word speaks a massive rock into existance. He then attempts to lift it, but fails. Immediately after the attempt, Bob easily lifts the boulder and hurls it into the sun.
Stunned and confused Jeff has a profound revelation, Bob isn't just some guy with great powers, Bob IS power! Bob is the one creating all reality, including himself! Upon realizing his misunderstanding, Jeff drops to his knees and worships Bob. He knows that Bob is writing this, writing all his reality, including his new awareness of what Bob is...
Still, Jeff knows very little as the author's real name is not Bob at all, but Lou, and his whole reality was created just minutes ago...
So you see, even though I am a time based being, in my own story I can do the impossible.
So why would you place even greater limits on the One who is outside of time and space? The One who actually has already written EVERY story including the one I just wrote long before we were even born!
Do you have some idea of how much bigger God is yet?
He is not someone you can understand, see, hear or comprehend, without His making it happen. You just can't, anymore than my repentant evil character, Jeff.
Now, as it is written, for us to see...if He wills it, He wants faith, or trust, in Him.
Obviously, being capable of anything without limitation, He WILL get what He wants. Yet from our perspective, a perspective of a character in the story, we must choose to look at Him in order to know Him enough to trust Him.
You cannot trust someone you do not know.
Yet, if you cannot accept God as One without limitation and make Him more like Zues than who He really is, well, do you know Him at all?
If you trust a man made god, you are not trusting GOD.
Are you seeking to know God, to grow in faith? Or are you humanizing Him into something He is not.
You do realize He hates that. Yes, He had that written over and over in His book, many years ago.
If you trust in a fake, humanized god like Zues, you are engaging in idol worship.
You are! Even if you call him God, Yahweh, Budda, Krishna or Jesus.
God is, and He can be understood. He can be seen. He is available...if you really want to know.
"Ha, well if only He can make it happen, what I want is irrelevant."
Actually, as He had written in His book, if you want to know Him, He put that desire there. If you really want to know Him, you will.
On the flip side, if you don't really want to know HIM, but would rather make Him more comfortable, more human...well, that's in His plan too.
"For those who have ears to hear, let them hear!"
He wrote Himself into the story as a character, even though He is the very WORD the story is written by. He did not call Himself Bob. No, He called Himself "He Saves". In Hebrew, this name is Yeshua, in Greek it is Jesus.
He did this, not to humanize Himself, but to give us a perfect example of how to relate to The Father.
Well, yes, and to fulfill the Law and numerous prophecies that all pointed to His coming.
Yet, in His wonderful plan of mercy, forgiveness and grace, I think the most amazing thing Jesus did was to show us we can have a personal relationship with God who is outside of time and space. He even showed us how to live with it, trusting our Father in all things, since He IS the Author.
Can you see it?
If you do, it's because He can do anything!
