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The Power of God

It has been a problem since the beginning. Satan's lie of ascending given to mankind.

We don't ascend very well because we are incapable, due to the way we were made.

It is a fact.

It was intentional.

We are limited, God is not. Since we don't ascend well, like Satan, we must pull other things around us down to "climb" above them. It's like shaving the top off of a mountain to make it easier to climb...even metaphorically.

If we make God "less", becoming like Him seems more attainable.

It is stupid.

"How do we make God less?"

If you make God out to be more man-like, like say, Zues or Odin, where He responds with emotions, attitude and pride. That He needs affection, gets rather upset when things don't go His way. Or, that He has tantrums or anger issues in one time period, and then is super sweet and passive in another.

God is God. He is the Author of all reality. He is outside of time and space, and is so far beyond us, we can't possibly comprehend without His direct involvement. Even my use of describing Him as an author is a poor representation. The truth is that there are no words that can do Him justice when describing Him.

The Author thing is my simple way to equate His my understanding. An author can do anything in his story, ANYTHING. He can create a universe, then wipe it out, with inhabitants that either remember what he did, or not. He can make himself a character, and have super powers, or just be a normal guy. He can do anything in his story.

What any human author can't do is to take a character he made and make them his reality.

"Is God making us gods?"

Not like Him, no. We can never be Him. He had no beginning, and has no end. We had a beginning, but what He can do is make us so we do not end.

This is the promise of Jesus Christ.

Of course, He isn't doing this for everyone, only those who have the faith to recieve Him. Faith that is given by God The Father.

Faith in Him...His character AND His power.

It is essential!

Look, faith is based on relational knowledge of someone. You can know about someone, and have a small amount of trust for them, but to trust someone as much as God is looking for, then you must get to KNOW Him. This takes some effort on our part, driven by a desire that He Himself implanted.

However, if we keep limiting God, to elevate ourselves, we are killing our own ability to KNOW God.

Faith in something that is not God, is idol worship. This is the terrible danger of us not accepting God as He is, but making Him out to be more "comfortable", more reachable, more acceptable.

Liberals have been doing this since the sixties, making Jesus into a loving hippy kind of guy.

Yet, Christians, leaders, and most teachers do it as well.

"God is trying to teach me..."

- God does not try. He does or does not.

"God is waiting for you to trust Him, so He can act."

- God doesn't need you or you actions to do anything. He does what He wants, when He wants, and no one can stop Him.

"We are fighting a spiritual war, we need to proclaim, bind, or imprison the enemy!"

- Satan had to ask God to sift Peter, not the other way around. God, doesn't need your help...with anything.

"If we don't do this or that, God can't help."

- God is not limited by you, angels or demons. He is not limited, period.

I could go on and on. We all do it. We put limits on the Limitless. Though it makes God seem more comfortable, attainable, we forget that He already made Himself reachable through Jesus Christ.

Nothing else is needed.

He doesn't need you to "get it". He does that for you.

If He wants you to do something, He will tell you. He isn't going to hint at it, hoping you understand. What good Father would do otherwise!

He is the best Father.

It's a wonderful thing to want to have faith enough to move mountains, speak spiritual truth, heal the sick, and cast out demons. However, if you think any of it is somehow up to YOU, you will never have the trust IN Him required.

He gives you faith by revealing Himself. He reveals Himself by showing how powerful He really is.

Our only response is to to agree with Him and trust Him...or not.

Even that is totally up to Him.

Because He is that powerful.


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