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The Straight Path

Proverbs 3:5-6

[5] Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

[6] in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

There are only two sides.

Good and Evil

Light and Dark

God and Not God

Faith in God, or not.

Salvation is only found in acceptance by God. He won't accept those who desire to usurp His authority in their hearts. Those who seek to rise above, and become Him. Those who want control.

That is the lie of Satan, the accuser.

We cannot become God. The only way we can remotely be "like" God is to walk like Jesus complete trust, and submission to God.

"What does that even mean!?"

Walking by self, is to take responsibility for all you do. You are in charge of you. It is your will, your decisions, your actions, that make you into who you are.

Walking by faith is trusting that God is Lord over every thought, every step, every action, including yours.

And, being very happy with it!

Faith is the only way to recieve acceptance. God alone gives it. It is like a light bursting into a dark place. A light that reveals the truth that God accepts you as you are, when you trust Him.

This trust is not only in His goodness, but also His sovereignty, His control.

Again, it is a gift, it is not earned by work or study. No effort can make that light go on. He alone does it.

Knowing this, seeing this, a man will be humbled by it, thrilled by it, because he knows, he had no possibility of acceptance otherwise.

This sparks a love, a great appreciation, toward the one who had such mercy on them. It cannot generate a superior, or "better than" attitude, because they did nothing to deserve it.

This faith grows as we get to know the One we begin to trust.

This is the begining of a walk of faith.

As we realize, and accept His power and control, because He reveals Himself, we trust He will guide us because He said He would.

In EVERY circumstance.

I have no clue what to do. Yet, I know He knows, and I trust Him. He is in control of all circumstances, because He is God. I didn't earn His grace, not even by "accepting" it. It was given to me by Him...and He doesn't take it back.

I Love Him for it.

I know that He will make every step I do count, as I'm no longer in charge of my steps...He is.

He is my Lord.

This is walking by faith. Knowing that He will guide me, and it will show in what I do.

I will not lie.

I will not cheat.

I will not steal.

I will not murder.

I will not do these things because of my effort, no, that would put me at odds with Him for control. I will do them because He is guiding my every step, and even thought proceeding that step.

I was not responsible for the salvation He graciously gave me. I am equally not responsible for keeping it. He will do it. He has in fact promised this.

Ephesians 2:10

[10] For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Phillipians 1:4-6

[4] In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy

[5] because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now,

[6] being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

We are HIS work, not what we do.

He always finishes His work, and it is always good.

Walking by faith in God, relieves us from our struggle to be good enough. We can't, but He can.

Walking by faith, knowing He is in control, empowers every believer with the knowledge that nothing can stop Him.


If I get cancer, it will be healed if He wants it to, or it will kill me if He wants it to. I know He loves me, and is in charge. It isn't up to me to defeat it. I just need to take each step KNOWING that He is making my steps go in the direction He wants.

I don't need to learn how to hear God, or even how to listen. He is my God, The God, if He wants to talk, He knows exactly how to get my attention. From parting the clouds to a small whisper, He know me better than I do.

I just need to get to know Him.

I just need to trust Him.

"Seek first."

"Seek and you will find."

"Whoever has will be given more."

Moving mountains? Yes, He can do that anytime He wants to.

He is God.

He is more than capable. If He wants a mountain move, and me to be used to do it, He will be clear.

"Go, my son, stand in front of that mountain and just speak to it."

Boom! Into the sea!

You are just not powerful enough to miss God's plan. You are not!

Jonah wasn't and he was willing to drown in the sea to thrawrt God's plan. Instead, Jonah perfectly fulfilled God's plan, even in his rebellion!

The walk of faith is simple. Get to know God enough to trust Him completely with your life, choices and actions. Then just watch Him work.

HE will make your path straight. Straight to His heart.

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