You Might Be A Goat

If you get disgusted by a fellow believer who doesn't see what you see, you might be a goat.
If you are impressed by your walk with God, you might be a goat.
If you tell everyone all of the things you do for God, you might be a Goat.
If you ignore those "believers" at church, you know, the weird ones, you might be a goat.
If your response to hurting brothers and sisters is "I'll pray for you!", you might be a goat.
If you compete in conversation with others regarding your Bible knowledge, you might be a goat.
If all you do is ask other believers to support your ministry, but never them, you might be a goat.
If you preach on the streets, heal the sick, and give all to the poor, but spit on those in church who just sit on a chair, you might be a goat.
If you have raised the dead, but insult democrats, you might be a goat.
If you announce your prayer time, but dismiss the hurting at church, you might be a goat.
If you are confident that you chose your salvation, you might be a goat.
If you you trust in your efforts to walk with God, you might be a goat.
If you rest in your salvation, but raise yourself above anyone, you are in fact a goat.
Goats strive to be higher than others. It is their nature.
Goats will climb any platform and push others off. It is their nature.
Goats want to be the greatest of all time.
Sheep just follow the Shephard.
Goats won't make it past judgement.
They will also be shocked...when they find out.
