
What you believe is irrelevant, unless it is true.
God is love, but He is also anger, wrath, power, control, and the absolute most powerful being in any reality.
The only reason you want to make God seem to be way nicer is you don't really trust His Grace.
Look at the differences between king Saul, and king David.
Saul was actually a good king, and a decent guy. He was a good Father, with decent kids. He was also a great leader to his men. Isreal did rather well when he was king.
David was an adulterer, murderer and a lousy father. He inspired coupe, after coupe, even from his own sons. Yet God used him as a measure of how good or bad the following kings were. He became the pinnacle of what God's favored king should be like.
The actions of both were irrelevant. It was the faith they had that mattered.
David, in the book if Psalms clearly understood God's power and control, and understood his absolute failing to be anything like God. He trusted in God's grace, in the face of God fearful judgement.
David was a believer.
Saul, was not.
You cannot believe or trust someone that you do not know.
He wants us to seek Him in order to get to know Him. He wants to be known. Yet, many if not most, have painted a comfortable picture of God that isn't Him. Their image looks like a 60's hippy Jesus who just loves, and will forgive everyone.
In order to do this, you have to ignore huge amounts of scripture.
The Book points to Him, just like everything else does. He is the center of the target.
To miss the center...is to miss the mark.
You need to ask the questions. The very hard ones. This is where you will really get to know Him.
He will answer, if He wants to, and if He does you will understand. You may not be able to explain it well, but if you can't, it is because He wants YOU to know.
We are talking about God here. The only way to "know" Him is through His Spirit.
Still, like with anyone else you meet, you will never get to know Him if you don't ask Him questions.
All you need to do is start with "Why?".
