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A Convenient Untruth

When a person begins to trust God, he quickly realizes that what God said about trusting anything else is true.

The problem with evil is evil will lie. In fact, for evil to win, it has to lie, for the truth will expose evil for what it is…pathetic.

No one would choose to be pathetic. No one would choose the losing side. Yet they do, because they believe the lie.

For people who love truth, lies are frustrating. It often seems impossible to win with the truth. This is because people believe the lie because they want to. The lie either makes them feel better about a wrong thing they do, or offers them an excuse to do a wrong thing.

“God wants me to be happy, so I can forsake my vows of marriage and hook up with this other person.”

“God is love, so how could he condemn my “love” for this man/woman/child/farm animal?”

“God wants me to rape and kill this person because they don’t believe.”

The truth about a lie is that deep down, the one who believes it, knows it is a lie. They know it. This is why they get angry at those who speak the truth…angry enough to kill. For those who speak truth, there is no reason to kill for the truth. There is no reason to hate for the truth.

I am a man. If someone says I am a woman, I won’t get mad. On the contrary, I would smile and ignore them. Because they are nuts. There are an infinite number of lies, which one would make me mad? The moon is made of cheese? We are all controlled by aliens who live on a comet? We descended from amoebas? The planet is warming because of my hairspray? Someone made a cosmic mistake and placed a woman/child/goat spirit in a man’s body? God is dead? Jesus didn’t exist? No, none of these lies cause me to hate or want to kill.

No, they do frustrate me though, because as stupid as they are, nothing I say will sway those who want to believe them. Nothing.

The only one who can open the eyes of the blind is God. So, yes, I will continue the frustrating journey of speaking the truth in love, not in hate. All the while hoping God will open their eyes.

Love does not mean acceptance of lies. I love my grandson, but that does not mean I won’t spank his butt when he hurts another child. Love does not mean I won’t take aggressive action if my child has become addicted to heroin. No, in truth, love is not some gushy stupidity that tolerates all lies and evil. No, saying that love accepts all things is in itself a lie.

Does this anger you? If so, why? Maybe it is because you know it is true and you are clinging to a comfortable lie.

Well, consider carefully, because to cling to a lie is just as I said before…pathetic. And no one really wants to be pathetic.

Do they?

Yes, that is a truth.

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