A Perfect World

For God, the most powerful being in the universe, anything is possible. That is what is written about Him in the Bible.
He can part seas.
He can descend onto a mountain and cover it in fire.
He can make clothes not show any wear for 40 years.
He can end lives by swallowing them with the ground.
He can bring back someone from the dead.
He can stop the earth's rotation without catapulting everything into space, and then start it again without even causing a wind.
He raises up leaders for men by rebellion, armies, intrigue, and even election.
He plots out a course, and has it transpire as though it just "happened".
He can become a man, live, die, and even come back again.
He can create food, wine and water out of nothing, and have it last perfectly until it is no longer needed.
He can put a coin in a fishes mouth, either by it just appearing, or build the event around some elaborate story...which no one but Him knows.
He can predict what events are going to transpire and then do them exactly, without mistake, over thousands of years and through trillions of people, decisions, and, happenstance included.
He is not very much different than a comic book author. He can write the story any way He wants.
I could go on and on.
It's all written, for anyone to see.
It points to wonderful truth about our God.
He absolutely, can do anything.
Considering this, something to ponder, if the bible is true...
There is nothing outside of His power and control. Nothing.
If God wanted anything to be different...it would be.
This goes for you, me, the crazy world leaders, preditors, and even all the hurting people in this world.
All of it.
Now, do you trust Him?
I tell you truly.
This is the faith He is looking for.
Yes, it is.
