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A Pretty Piece of Cake

It’s easy in today’s world to look at people like Harvey Weinstein and feel like we are better than. Wickedness has been on the rise for a long time now. However, looking at the face of evil in others does not diminish our own evil.

On judgment day, God, the Father, the Creator, the being outside time and space, will analyze everyone for words and actions during this life in order to see who is worthy for eternal life. Yet, during this process, God is not going to compare you to Harvey, or Hitler, or even Hillary. No, He is going to compare you to…Himself.

Yes, that is what is going to happen. Why? Well, because we asked for it on day one.

That’s right. Adam accepted the lie that he could be like God. Now, because of that stupidity, we are all going to be compared to God. God of course, being the rule maker, is the perfect example. Of that, there is no doubt. Why would anyone create a universe where they don’t fit the rules perfectly? God sure didn’t.

“But we are not God, so how can we possibly measure up?”

Sorry Sunshine, you can’t. You weren’t meant to.

Look, Faith, or the lack there of, got Adam and Eve, and the rest of us into this mess. So, it makes perfect sense that Faith, not the lack there of, is the path to get us back to a place of perfect relationship with our maker. The door and object of that faith, is Jesus Christ.

Anyone not insane can see that our best efforts to be good fail miserably. Especially in the light of what scripture says about our thoughts and intentions condemning us. Yes, if you think in your heart that someone like Harvey Weinstein should die, you have committed murder. If you lust at a woman, not your wife, you have committed adultery. Jesus said this, in Matthew chapter 5. You cannot be good enough, so any comparison to someone worse, is like saying a cake made of poo is better than hot steaming poo. Sorry, but it may look prettier, and have a wonderful icing decoration, it is still made of poo.

Jesus Christ is “the exact representation” (Heb 1:3) of God, the Father. A perfect avatar if you will. He went to great (and painful) lengths to show us the heart of God and His plan to bring us back to a place of acceptance and grace. All we need to do is have Faith in Him. Not faith in ourselves, faith in our ability, faith in our efforts and most definitely not faith that we are better than Harvey.

Of course, if you don’t believe in God, judgment day, or any of this religious BS, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about…do you? So why then do you relish the comparison to Harvey or even Donald Trump? Why would it matter? You are very loud about it, ranting to anyone who will listen. Your righteousness! It is so glorious after all compared to them!!

Yes, you are WAY better than Harvey, Hillary, Hitler and Donald Trump, but you are still not as good as God. It won’t matter on Judgment day (and it will come whether you believe it or not) that you were WAY better; you are still not going to be good enough. Sorry, but that is the reality, in this reality.

No matter, you can always ignore it, reject it, and just think happy thoughts…and sit contently while eating a pretty piece of cake.

Bon Appétit!

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