A Simple Reason Why People are Going Nuts
God is either in control or He is not God. This freewill thing is bogus. It isn’t biblical, it doesn’t even make sense.
“But how can we love Him if we don’t have a choice? We would then be robots!”
Does a dog choose its owner? A dog will love anyone who feeds it and cares for it. The dog will also defend and be loyal to his owner. A dog LOVES his owners and there is no “decision” there. It just does it like it was made to. We are similar. In fact to hate God is completely unnatural…sort of.
God IS in control. Of ALL of our circumstances, including the devil and his evil followers. God could stop them all at anytime if He wanted to…so the fact that He doesn’t means He doesn’t want to…for now. He has a purpose, yet we don’t trust Him and His purpose.
Look at all of the chaos in the world today. You might think it is because people are just deceived by the devil and are confused and lost. That is true, but consider what they push for and believe. A man believes he is a woman, though he is not. This is blatant denial of God and His plan. God and no one else, made you and I and that included what sex we were born with, what family we live with, what intelligence we have, what heart we have, what body we have, what friends we have.
Obviously we don’t choose our sex or what family we are born into. Men and Women of today have wrapped around the idea of our “choices” thinking it gives them power. So they rebel against the authority that appears to be making decisions about our lives.
WE rebel.
Now, mankind is rebelling against those choices that obviously were not ours or any man’s, choices that are obviously God’s. Consider, a man standing up and saying “I am not a man (even though all the evidence points to the contrary), I am a woman!” This is the same as someone standing in the face of God and saying “you made me wrong!’
Faith in God as I say often, is trusting in God, not just in His being, but also His power and plan. Man made idols, in the past, to try to “go around” God and feel like they were controlling their destiny. Ha! Even this is part of God’s plan.
Just look at the anger and chaos of these people rebelling against ALL authority. What is scary to me are those that cling to power by fueling these emotions and lies. These “leaders” are not dumb, but they are dangerous. This is how all dictators in the past have come into power. The devil only has so many schemes up his sleeve. He isn’t God after all, he is very limited.
Independence is dependence in ourselves. This is a lie. Rather, true freedom comes when we simply acknowledge God and His power and rule. Jesus IS Lord. This is the answer to all of life’s pain and sorrow.
“But my life sucks!”
Yes, you can ask God for a change in the circumstances. This is what prayer is. But if you don’t get what you want, and then try to manipulate, twist or foolishly believe that by convincing yourself that you have the power some how, you are making an idol. That idol is you.
You don’t have the power, you never will. Neither do I. But if you realize this, God, our Master, will care for us as He knows best and you can have peace as all of the world falls apart around you.
You can trust Him. He DOES know what He is doing.