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A Sketchy Agenda

So, Donald Trump is obviously not as evil as many media outlets would have people believe. He has not rounded up and put anyone in concentration camps. He has not implimented martial law. He has not done any of the hitleresque things many claimed he would.

He is not perfect. He is boastful, arrogant and not as moral as I would like him to be, but he is not as bad as the immensely great effort to prove otherwise is.

If you still hate this president for pretty much no proven reason at all, might I suggest that you have become decieved by those who would misuse your intellect and influence to their advantage. Exageration, fear mongering and accusation based on what they think the current president thinks like. How would they know? Seriously!

Would you approve if anyone treated you that way? Would you approve if the media treated your friends that way?

If you can't answer yes, then stop playing the hypocrite for those who will benefit.

If you can actually answer yes to the above questions, then at least be honest with yourself and admit that you are evil and don't care about truth or goodness, but instead want only your interests to succeed.

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