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A Spiritual Perspective

We really only see one side of it.

Can you imagine if there was a book written by one of the Pharisees who wanted Jesus killed?

1 Pharisees 1:1 - "I , Bob was there when we killed the blasphemer named Jesus. He was a nobody, a carpenter, I believe. This idiot actually thought God was using him. Ha! A nobody, I mean really! Why would God use such a nobody when we have so many important leaders already doing God's work! Pathetic! What arrogance! He deserved to die! I'm not ashamed of my part, I am sure God has a special place for me and those like me!"

He does have a special place...and it isn't anywhere near where a Pharisee would want to be.

God used nobodies throughout the book, intentionally.

That in itself should make everyone a bit nervous.


Look, if God wanted everyone to get the message He could easily descend on a mountain. He's done it before after all.

"Why doesn't he now?

Well, if He did, no one could argue about it, The truth of Him would be right there as plain as the sun in the sky.

Of course there would always be the completely crazy ones who in spite of all the evidence would still turn away, but most would believe...but not really believe in His character, His person.

He wants us to have true relational faith in Him. He uses unimportant people, so that the message is not believable by a person or sign, but instead believable on the spiritual nature of the message itself.

He has been talking to me for almost 40 years now. I am unimportant and unimpressive, I know. He has made me so on purpose. I don't really like it much, but I understand it...and accept it.

I know, although I have a few hundred friends on here, I am hidden but by a few, Martha being one of them.

That's OK, but my hope is that sooner or later the messages He gives me will "leak out" with or without my name attached.

The message is what's important. God, of course, being God, will get the message to each person He wants it to go to in any number of ways. He really doesn't need me at all. It is an honor just getting into from Him.

I have known since I was little that I would see the last days of this world, in this body. Anyone who has really known me that long can attest to it. I'm not afraid of it, rather I am looking forward to it kind of like "This is what I was made for!"

For now, the messages just seem crazy and ignorable, yet I am no liar, crazy...maybe, but if, just maybe, He really is talking to me, well then I know if it was you with the message, I would want to know and find out more.

I want to be ready when it comes. Not sure how physically at this time, but in the faith department, I try daily to let go and just trust Him no matter how discouraging or bizarre things get.

Being good at the little things...He will take care of the big things.

I am just a maintenance guy now, a janitor if you will. I barely make more than minimum wage, but I don't care anymore. God has blessed Martha's career...which really only started 10 years ago as I was laid off and the girls were in high school. We saw Him do it and a lot of other awesome things to show His control and perfect plan.

The only real cost in learning these things was my ego. That, obviously, is what He wants.

Know this if you read this and want to trust God. You are His work. Your life is and always has been His. He doesn't make mistakes. Satan isn't even remotely able to mess it up, neither are you.

Trust Him now, in everything, even whether or not you get a good parking will end up exactly where He wants even if you took a wrong turn.

Really, He is God, we are just His idiot children whom He loves so much He became like us to express it.


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