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A Straight Path

It is not about being good. It never was, not even before Christ came. It has always been about Faith. Accepting and trusting the one who is really in charge. The one who is in control, even more than George Lucas ever was over the Star Wars universe.

Look, He went to great lengths to show this…the law that points to Christ. Dying on a Cross as an example of true faith, rising from the dead to prove the faithfulness of God.

No, it is not about being good, because you can’t be, you are not God after all. Sure, it seems too simple…just believe in Jesus. Yet, why is it so hard and so few find it?

I think it is because people want to feel like they earn their own way, their own righteousness, their own goodness. That will never happen.

Do you really think the one who is in control will mess up “your” life so? Can the one who made the mountains and the stars do a worse job than you? Seriously??

You will never be good enough. Don’t let your pride an arrogance blind you from the simple truth:

He doesn’t care if you are good enough! No, He just wants you to trust and accept that HE is in charge.

Proverbs 3:6 (ESV)

6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

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