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A View From Above

There is a feeling you get when you put someone in their place. When you prove them to be lesser, wrong or foolish. It seems to feel good too, at the time. But for a person who desires to truely be a good and kind person, this feeling just seems tainted.

This "Ha! See you're a moron" dig against another human being gives a quick high similar to porn. It feels sooo good, but then a twing of guilt follows it. Well, until you eventually kill it with reason.

"You were right after all, and they did deserve it." Self-righteousness, that is what God calls it and to Him, it is disgusting.

Satan, the word, means accuser. Accuse, isn't that what we do when we "beat" another with those words?

"I will ascend" that is what the devil is quoted as saying. Ascension, is to rise above. To self-ascend we must climb by pulling something else down. This is how it is done, unless someone else pulls you up.

Pulling up is what Jesus does. He does show truth, but the goal it to lift you up, not tear you down. In all my conversations and interactions with Him, he never gloated in pointing out my many errors. Clearly, each time I could see His desire was for me to see better and live better. Never to walk away feeling worthless and foolish.

No, that is what the devil does. He relishes humiliating others to raise himself.

Have you forgotten that twinge of shame when you humiliated someone? Have you become hardend to others by putting yourself and your ideals first? You can fix this easily by seeking God and His forgiveness. That is, if it's not beneath you to do so...

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