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Action Speaks

There is a lot of talk lately about not judging another’s faith. Of course, the general consensus is that it is supremely wrong to judge another’s faith. As it is most of the time, the general consensus is wrong.

Yes we can and should judge another’s faith. How else do we really know what “faith” it is? I have written and written about this topic and my hope is that someone else will see the truth of it and begin to pass it along. You know, that old Faberge thing…”they tell two friends, then they tell two friends…” (for the younger folks, it was a shampoo commercial in the late 70s). This is how the lies work, and because of it, they are working really, really well.

Faith is believing in something. If you believe in something, your life will show it. If I believe that I will painfully die if I smoke, and I don’t want to die, I will not smoke. Simple. So, how do I judge another faith? If a man says he is a Christian, then his life should show it. Do they lie? Do they steal? Do they cheat on their spouse? Do they do evil?

Of course, even a Christian does evil things and definitely thinks evil things. So, what is the difference? Let me explain this how I once explained to a co-worker. “I say I love my wife. Yet I have an affair. She also finds out about it. It hurts her. Can I still say I love my wife? Yes, I can still say I love my wife and not be a liar.” My co-worker agreed. “So, then.” I said. “If, I continue in the affair, even after my wife finds out, even though it hurts her terribly, can I still say that I love my wife?”

My co-worker said “no”.

Yes, a true follower of Jesus Christ will sin, but they will not continue in it.

Look, it is not that hard. If you lie, you do not trust God. If you lie and apologize to God and the one you lied to (if at all possible) then God will forgive you. If you lie again tomorrow, and apologize again, He will still forgive you. But let’s not be stupid, if you fully intend to lie, cheat and steal, your apology is not real and you will not be forgiven. God is not stupid either. If you think you are fooling God, you are the fool.

So, in judging another’s faith, how do we know whether or not they are “repenting” daily? Have you ever done something wrong by mistake? You know, like turn around to fast and knock a toddler down? Your apology is immediate and very obvious. Also, have you ever seen two small children after a battle? You tell one to apologize and they grit their teeth and say sorry in the most pathetic way possible? Yes, true repentance is obvious. It shows remorse and strives for change. It also accompanies confession.

I say I am a Christian, yet I steal without remorse. Then I lie.

I say I am a Christian, yet I continually hurt others with word or deed. Then I lie.

I say I am a Christian, but I do not study His teaching or attend Church. Yes, I lie.

I say I am a Christian, yet I left my spouse….Yes, I lie.

Oh wait! What about love? What about happiness? What about safety? Look, I know this is a really sensitive topic in this age. Sadly, because many, even those who call themselves Christian, have left their spouse for one reason or another. You must understand, the vow in a marriage covenant is not just to each other. It is to God. He is the one who binds this agreement and He does not change.

Yes, divorce is an option in a biblical sense, but only in the case of one spouse leaving. They left, they broke the marriage covenant. How did they leave? I am not talking about separation here. When they LEAVE the marriage covenant, they have joined with another. Yes, when a man cheats on his wife, and does not repent but leaves to live with the other woman, he breaks the covenant. The wife has every right to divorce the man without penalty from God. The man however is due the penalty of the broken vow…death.

Do you not understand? That is what the vow says! Of course, that doesn’t mean God will necessarily kill the offender, although He has every right to. No, like with all sin, the death is separation from God, both now and forever.

Wait, what about forgiveness? What about God’s grace? Have you not read where it says that our salvation comes from God’s grace THROUGH FAITH? Without faith, there is no grace coming. If you don’t give your heart and trust to God, then what Jesus Christ did has no value to you.

Can a man who has left his wife repent? Yes, but like I said, the repentance will show in the way they talk and live. If they remarried, saw the sin, then repented to God, they should at the very least, not repeat the sin with their new wife. With true repentance, they will save their souls; however, God may still punish them in this life. Yes, He is very merciful, but He is still GOD. That is up to Him. My suggestion to the ex-sinner…make very, very sure you have connected with God to receive that grace. If you are even the least bit insincere, I doubt seriously that you will make it past Judgment day…

So, judging a man’s faith:

Is he a liar (not just what people say, but have you seen the lies)?

Is he a cheater?

Is he arrogant and rude?

Is he boastful?

Does he put himself first?

Does he do evil without remorse?

Does he reflect a life of study and prayer?

Is there any sign of repentance?


Then I think the answer is obvious. That man’s faith is not in Jesus Christ.

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