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Acts of Faith

Say you have been married for 20 years, and your spouse ends up in a car accident. They are paralyzed now, and due to a head injury they are just not the same person.

God, being all powerful, could have prevented it in at least half a million ways...but He didn't.

Do you trust Him?

Being close to your spouse seems to be an impossibility now and they are really difficult to care for. Yet a co-worker of the opposite sex is showing interest.

Your marriage vows are clear, joined until death. God could have let your spouse die in the car accident...but He didn't.

Do you trust Him?

"Doesn't God want us to be happy?"

No. God wants us to believe in Him.

Our actions show whether or not we believe in God.

Jesus said life would be difficult, but not to worry and to trust our Father.

Blaming the devil for things God could clearly stop...if He wanted to, is not trusting God.

Jesus Christ is looking for faith.

Do your actions show it?

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