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All Will Be Judged

Say you get a job that pays ridiculously well. You get tons of accolades and perks. No one is really watching what you do. You love the job.

Now what if someone threatened that position, your power and authority in that company. Wouldn't you do almost anything to protect your job?

What if you had no moral compass? You can lie, cheat and even kill. You would be rather dangerous to anyone who could expose you and get you fired.

This is scary, and what often happens when leaders become untouchable.

Look, if you are a nice guy, you will do anything within your moral code to fight to keep a great job. However, if you are not nice and decent, God help those who stand in your way!

This is why our founding fathers put limits on our leaders. For years now our leaders have eroded those limits until now removing them will take a revolution.

Make no mistake, they will fight to keep power and they will fight dirty.

God will help. I will trust Him. Though they will continue to get away with evil for a will end and all will be judged.

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