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Seeing With The Intended Light

I get it. It is a hard pill to swallow. God is so sovereign, that He controls everything, including our choices.

I know it's hard, but it is absolutely logical, and biblical.

You know, and accept that He is the most powerful being there is.

You acknowledge that He knows the past, present, and future...perfectly.

You believe He doesn't make mistakes.

So, when a man chooses to act with evil toward you, God, at the very least, knew of it before it happened. He also Had the power to stop it...but didn't.

That, my friends is intention. If He could have prevented, or stopped an evil action, and wanted to...He would have.

So, logically, He wanted the evil act to happen.

He has stopped many an evil acts in scripture, and intended many more. He could have, but HE chose not to.


Do you still trust He is good, and knows what He is doing?

The three Jewish boys did, even if God wasnt going to save them from the furnace. He did of course, but would you trust Him if He didn't?

Would you even be able to go into the furnace, trusting that God had a good plan and will carry it out...even if it burns?

James was killed by Herod, but Peter was released by an Angel.

Your life, and all choices, are in God's hand. Do you trust Him with them?

This is the faith He is pleased with. The fruit He is looking for. The oil that will keep your lamp lit, even when it gets really dark.

Because it's getting dark now.

Fill up that lamp, because when the midnight hour approaches, you won't be able to see without it.

Faith, is trusting the One you know.

Know God.

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