Argument 101
Updated: May 16, 2024

Disagreements happen. They are simply due to a lack of knowledge and an understanding of that knowledge. We are limited as a race because we are not God, and we never will be.
That IS the lie. The lie that we can ascend and become like God. If that was God's intent, why the struggle to submit to Him? It would make more sense for us to have been made perfect, or have the ability to become perfect by our own decisions. Biblically, this is not the case. We suck, and the only way to find acceptance from The Perfect, is to submit to Him.
It is that simple.
So, because we are limited, our perspective on truth is limited. The Church, in God's infinite wisdom, should be a place were we can safely discuss what God reveals to each of us, then compare as a group to find the actual truth. A group of limited views can see much better than one individual view ever could.
Make sense?
If the collective goal is the same, and right, then a search for truth should be easy...and fun.
Yet, because we strive to ascend, we have this innate need to climb over others to get "higher". This is sin... this is "I will ascend".
Accepting that we are NOT ascending is key to a successful argument, and essential in understanding and accepting the truth.
Jesus taught, and showed us by example The Way. Seek God, submit to His rule, and let Him make us more. That is how Jesus lived, and died, and rose from the dead. Submit, and trust the Father.
In an argument, two or more "perspectives" or views meet. Of course neither sees it the same. One who has the view from a mountain, is not seeing the same as one in the valley. Yet, the truth of the landscape is only seen when you combine both perspectives!
The Church, like the temple when Jesus was twelve, should be a safe place to is not.
Instead of listening, and considering each other's perspectives, using the Book with a mutually accepted authority, "christians" compete to one up each other.
Tactics employed to do this are the same as the world, the same as the world's current prince. Insult, injury, ridicule, dismissal and my favorite, exclusion.
It's like high school!
It forces believers to conform to bad ideas and theology, just to find what God freely gives each of us...acceptance.
Do you see how evil this is?
The Goats as Jesus teaches us, are those being dismissive and exclusionary. How much more obvious are the Goats who are rude and mean?!
Churches crushing those who disagree, as though the "Teacher" has the only correct view of God! No, room for discussion or reason, only submit to leadership, or be excluded.
Sure, there are plenty of views so bad that correction must be done. Yet, it is not something that should be taken lightly or punished harshly for. It is abuse to do so because a viewpoint might be valid, and we are just not comfortable with that idea!
Keep in mind, the Pharisees were not comfortable with what Jesus said...
God is big, and His bigness can be extremely uncomfortable!
I present a perspective, and another presents an opposing perspective. Good! If we both seek truth, then we are on a path to BOTH see more clearly.
However, if one is more interested in "ascending", winning the argument is to beat the opponent. If the viewpoint cannot be proven by scripture clearly, force, as opposed to reason, is the only option. To start with, they use inflammatory words.
"If you could only see what I see, you would agree". This is arrogant at the very least, since God is the revealer of truth. It is ascending to a place of superiority with God. This is the same as "If you've studied or been trained as I have... "Claiming" spiritual authority you don't have IS what Satan intends us to do.
Sadly, this has proven so effective that many "believers" just roll over and accept a "leaders" words as though they are from God. It is in ALL the popular "churches", even if they don't call their leader Father, or in Latin...Pope.
We want acceptance, and though we already have it through Jesus Christ, getting acceptance by men in robes, shrouded in impressive degrees, or fancy suits is powerful.
It is "I will ascend".
My favorite is the dismissal. "If you don't line up with "us" and Pastor Impressive, then we won't hang out with you. We won't invite you for dinner. We won't come visit you, at home, hospital, or even prison!"
Sound familiar? It should, and it should terrify you. Rude, insulting and mean are obvious, but the dismissal ALONE is what Jesus said identifies the Goats!
In case you don't know...the goats aren't going to make it.
I have poked at some really errant teaching for years. I approach the argument biblically, and work very hard to show reason and consideration. When the different view is presented I consider it. I then line it up with God's word. I try hard to contain my desire to raise myself, and carefully craft my words. I'm not perfect, so I do get frustrated, and can show it in my tone. If I offend, I accept my failings as I know I'm not perfect, nor is my perspective, and apologize. This is just from basic understanding of who I am compared to Jesus Christ.
Romans 15:7
7. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
I am accepted by faith, not by my understanding of God's word.
In the disagreement we need to show love. Love is kind. We also need to understand, and accept, our limitations as men...not gods.
When opposed, we should consider and present why we disagree with kindness and respect. Opposing with puffing, insult or dismissal is sin.
Yes, it is.
You can't argue when they go there. They are looking to win and no matter what you say, you will lose.
Matthew 7:6
6. Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.
This is a waste of time and could get you hurt, emotionally and physically. When insult or arrogance happen, stop and move on.
Telling someone about Jesus is the same when in the world. If they don't hear you, dust off your feet and move on.
Yet, in a church? This is where church discipline comes into play. Church discipline should never be due to disagreement with the pastor or ruling class. If it is, then that church is in massive error.
If a Satanist comes into a church. You don't kick him out if you want him to get saved by the message and by your example! Of course, you don't bring him into leadership, or let him teach Sunday School to little ones. If he becomes rude, mean and insulting to those who disagree with him, then he needs to be removed. Church discipline should be the same for a man who argues a biblical truth in the same way...even if he is right!
The fellowship of the church should be paramount, never a man's ego. The purpose is to help each other to walk with Jesus Christ.
Now, about dismissing. Argument is good. It is where we grow. It is where we share, and see a different perspective of God, an infinitely massive being. Refusing to see is terrible on its own, but to dismiss a brother or sister without even looking at what their view is, is the same as rejecting Christ.
Do you trust God or not? Do you believe the Holy Spirit can protect you? Then why would you cling to what "important" men have been teaching, and ignore what He might be saying through a nine year old girl? Do you think HE can't use a nine year old girl?
If it's obviously a biblically errant idea, show them so! Yet, do so in love!
Ephesians 4:15
15. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.
If you don't, you are responsible for not helping them!! Judgement Day is coming. Your faith will be shown by how you treat others.
I would rather deal with an arrogant arguer than a dismissive one! With the pigs, though I might get attacked, at the very least I'm planting a seed of truth the Holy Spirit might very well use.
For the dismissive, well, there is nothing I can do. Not to mention, they think very little of me and my understanding. Nor do they care enough about me to offer correction. Yes, it is personal.
And Jesus definitely takes it that way.
The 101 basics:
Engage, it will help you grow in knowledge, and faith, in Jesus Christ.
Speak in love (kindness), trusting God to open eyes by His Spirit, not by your cleverness.
Win, only because you, or your brother, will find greater truth.
Accept each other, as Christ accepted you - even though you didn't agree with Him.
Only employ dismissal if they are not acting in love...and that only temporarily to teach them that the fellowship is more important than them ascending.
Philippians 2:3
3. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Do this and you will be more like Jesus, not like God in nature, but more like Him in heart.
Isn't that the right goal?
Yes, yes it is.
