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What faith do you really have if what you believe cannot be questioned?

I like questions. I do it all the time. It challenges what I believe to be true, and more often than not, corrects an error in understanding simply because I had not looked at things that way.

I have been on the fringe for years, from my family, from folks I work with, and from folks at church. I have not done anything wrong, no lies, no meanness, no behind the back shenanigans. I am generally kind and patient toward everyone.

To be honest, the worst I am is really only ever seen by Martha. Generally, she has to deal with my bad attitude when I am tired and struggling with the lifelong disappointments and being, well, fringe. It is a struggle. I don't like it and as far as I can see, I never deserved it.

I'm not perfect, but I did watch God Himself commit to making me more. This is the reason for my...fringeness. It is HIS work. His efforts to mold and shape me into what I myself never could. I am His work.

Accepting that truth has always been a struggle. It is really hard to believe sometimes, especially when I'm not sleeping well and again stuck lying awake at some wee hour of the morning.

The questions come.

The questions aren't bad, not at all. But in my struggle to answer them, which could take days or weeks, I am not as pleasant to Martha, while I am home. She, of course, first wants to verify if the cause of my grumpy face and impatient attitude are because of her. Yes, sometimes it is...she is not perfect either. But, I think, after years of my questions an doubts, that she does understand the real reason I am struggling around the house.

God has given me some really cool information. I just want to share it, but almost no one is listening. That, of course, is up to God. If and when He wants others to know, they will listen and respond...probably after I'm dead and gone. To be honest, I just don't know. He hasn't confirmed much of His plan for me. But, I do know He has one.

Questions, questions.

Yes, they are good. You realize that science is the study of reality. That study happens because of, and through questions.

Considering how vast reality is, not allowing questions is an act of arrogance. Do you really think you are so right? So understanding of all things, that there can be no more questions on the matter?

Name calling is what the arrogant do to avoid those questions, either that or just ignoring those asking the questions outright. Religious fool, climate denier, libtard, anti-vax, teabager... I could go on and on.

Seriously, the questions are a good thing. If whatever you believe in can't be questioned, then do you really believe it? Me thinks you, maybe, just want to believe it.

Look, there is a day coming when we will all know the truth of things. We will all find out who was right and who was wrong. And truthfully, I believe, none of that will matter. Why? Because, you see, I believe that what is most important isn't our knowledge of the vast realities, but rather two simple things...Loving God and loving others.

Go ahead and question that belief. I am not afraid of it. Nope! In fact, even if I am wrong, I will still have lived my life well and will surely see God's face as He says..."Well done!"

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