Bad Theology

The idea that God created the world, just set it into motion, sat back, and is just observing what people decide to do is absolutely not a biblical concept...not even remotely.
God created the devil, on purpose, just like He did for everything else. All of the unbiblical ideas and theories, though pushed through man, by the father of lies, are also created by THE God.
"Why would He do that?"
Like any Author of a good story, He has to create conflict. It would be a dull and pointless story otherwise. A better way to explain it, is probably "to make an omlete, you have to break a few eggs".
Pain is necessary for growth. At least that is the way it is in this reality, that the God of scripture created.
Could it have been different? I don't believe so. You see, God is Good. God is brilliant. Brilliant beyond any man's comprehension. If you take those two facts, you must conclude that if there was a better way, He would have done it.
That IS what Jesus pointed to in the garden, as He dropped blood from His eyes.
So seeing that we have a perfect story, even the lies and untruths are intentional for one goal, God's goal, Faith.
Do you believe the lies, or the one book He is pointing too?
"How is He pointing to the bible?"
It is a hard truth, God is in complete control, and truth is for His chosen, the elect. To them, He will Point to His book.
He does.
Yet in the book, for those who don't have faith in God, there seem to be "holes" and "contradictions".
It doesn't have any, but if you think you are responsible, or ascending by your own choices, you will not see the truth. You can't, because the faith wasn't given to you.
Not elect.
That's what it says, avoiding it won't change the reality of this reality, only He can do that. If He made you a man, you ARE a man. You can "believe" in another truth, but since you are not Him, it will never matter what body part you remove, or add.
Can you see it? The idea that mankind can, is the same lie from the Devil, "If you do this, you can be like God".
As I said, Satan promoted it, but God created it.
"Are you saying God created lies!"
Yes, and the Bible says it as well...
John 1:3
3. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
Through Him, ALL things were made...even lies. Of course God hates lies, so it is actually amazing that He created something so wicked, just so He can use it to grow faith in His chosen! When He is finished, He will dispense of it., ie: He will toss the empty egg shells.
Lake of Fire anyone?
So if the lies and Satan were created, not by mistake, but on purpose, and God is good, and all powerful, then it stands to reason that evil is meant for good.
It has been all along.
Yes, that IS a hard pill to swallow, especially if you've had a life of pain or are suffering now.
9. He who has an ear, let him hear.
10. If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.
Yet to have great faith, the kind that will move mountains, you must trust God, even when life sucks!
He is all powerful, and He is ALL good.
Do you believe it?
Or, do you believe in evolution?
Look, the world now looks at the Adam and Eve story as stupid. Ah, but now it is also stupid to argue that a man cannot be a woman!
Many churches and pastors don't believe in the factualness of scripture. They see much of the Bible as allegorical stories. They are not. All of it is true. All of it is fact. How do I know? Because He told me so.
"You are nuts!"
Am I? If aliens had come to you and shook your hand, you would have evidence. You would know that there ARE aliens. To everyone who didn't want to believe, you would appear crazy.
"Didn't want to believe?"
Yes, wanting to know God is essential, and it is caused by the Faith He gives freely to His elect, but, desire doesn't offer evidence...that too must be given.
If you don't want it, you will never see it, even if it is shaking your hand. "I must have been temporarily schizophrenic! It was a rough day, that day."
Faith comes from knowing God. To know God, you must communicate with Him, and read the book He had written about Him. He will Point to it...if you are His.
When you see it as true, ALL OF IT, then use it to get to know God as He is. You must put aside all the lies you have been taught and accept Him as He is.
Faith leads to Hope. Hope leads to Love. The greatest gift is Love.
Fall in Love with God. He is true. He is good.
He is awesome!
...even when life is hard.