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Beach House Dream

I woke up with a dream this morning. It's been a while since I've had a God dream. A few years in fact. The last one I hadn't written about yet. This one seems to point to a burden of mine, so I decided to write it down.

Dreams from God are different. They tend to be very realistic in flow, but can be strangely symbolic. My normal dreams are chaotic and jump all over. The God dreams follow a short story pattern.

Some of the symbolism is obvious and some is not. I have found over the years that He will give me understanding of the dream, when and where He wants to to. This calls for patience and much of my walk with God has been.

I have been here in Florida, by myself since early June. My house is a 30 second walk to the beach. I added a location picture above. This is my favorite house so far. Martha is up in NH with her mom and family.

I retired last year so that we could split our time between Florida and New Hampshire, as Martha can work from anywhere. Still, I like the summer here so the deal was, I get to be here for at least June and July.

I'm not generally good on my own. I tend to stew in my own thoughts and get down because of the many dissapiontments regarding family, work, and ministry. Yet, when I am alone for this long, those thoughts do drive me to His feet.

That, is always a good place to be.

My daughters are not walking with God. My oldest, is not in open rebellion, she just keeps Him at a distance. Because of this, God in His infinate wisdom is generally giving her a series of super frustrating, and disappointing problems intended to drive her in His direction.

She is resisting. Stubbornness, I can't imagine where she gets that from!

The youngest is in open rebellion. She hates God, and because of her super liberal and woke friends, hates me as well. Yes, it just breaks my heart.

Still, God is God, and does know what He is doing.

I know He is in control. It IS biblical, and everything He has taught me now in 42 years. So, if my kids are going to come to Him, that is on Him. They must be chosen, or not.

Yes, I raised them to know Him. If you think otherwise, you are no better than Job's friends...whether you think that toward me, or the many others who God is training with difficulty.

We are only given what we can handle. That is what it says, and if you are given get the point.

Still, stewing on my own for several months has set me to struggle with God on the issue of my family.

My brother and sisters currently hate me, and have blocked me online since 2021. To be honest, I'm not sure why as it happened as Martha and I were in the hospital with Covid. My own mother, shamed us online for not getting the vaccine, and though Martha and I politely and respectfully, both called her on it, my oldest, in Australia just blasted her.

Do I think it was a good thing to do, no. However, Australia freaked out over Covid, much more than the US did. Older folks were supposedly dying in the hospitals in vast numbers. She was, in no small matter, worried. So when my own mother tried to shame us for not trusting men who were clearly not trustworthy, well, you can see, my daughter was rather blunt.

My whole family was blocked.

Should I have reached out to fix it?

Why, was all I could get from God. I have been despised by them for many years already. I think it is the God thing. After all, who am I to talk and write about God like I know Him? I'm just their idiot brother who voted for Donald Trump. Clearly, I have no clue about God.

It does bother me a little, because God has taught me a bunch that would help anybody. However, since I get the same reaction from almost all of who I've known over the years, well, I just have to trust God. He will give me a voice when and where He wants to. My job is simply to share, when and where He wants.

Success is from Him.

So, no, I have made no effort to reach out to those who blocked me.

Still, the big dark cloud over my beach house isn't because of my brother and sisters. No, it is my own daughters.

It's so easy to remember them being little, and then now struggling in painful circumstances, without that connection to the greatest Love of all time.

I could help, but I can't. One doesn't return calls, the other doesn't want to talk about the G-Man.

He is my favorite topic.

So, I avoid talking about Him, so as not to alienate them any further. I have to trust Him to reach them.

He is the one who calls.

So, back to my dream this morning. I was living in a house by the beach. It was my house, but not this one in Ormond-by-the-Sea, Florida. No, this house had a back door on the sand. The ocean was just meters away.

Still, due to the oceans harshness at times, the house was getting beaten pretty badly. As I stood in my back yard stewing on all the repairs needed, The Authorities showed up. Not just some talking heads but a huge crew. They, without permission or comment, began to rebuild my house.

They didn't use inferior materials, only the best and latest technology was brought in. I specifically remember them installing a back door that would withstand even the harshest of storms. I was given a special key that I carried on a chain, it would only open for me when I was near it. The workmen repaired the beach even, shoring it up with a beautiful deck, that would remain forever.

Yes, I get the meaning. It brings me to tears as I write.

Hope, is funny. Just a few days ago I was counseling a friend to trust God. I said to hope, but also said I hate that word, several times. For me, hope has led mostly to dissapointment. So, yes, it's not my favorite word.

Still, when God speaks, and if He talks YOU, not some general promise, but to YOU, well, you can hope. It is not going to be some possible, or likely event. When God says it, it is now written in the foundation stone of the entire universe.

Your will be done...oh, it definately will. I have no doubt.

It's just now a matter of when.

Now, I can hope.

Well, Lord, send the crew!

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