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Many years ago, I was a Sunday School teacher for teens, and eventually youth pastor at a church in NH.

While in those roles, I noticed an obvious difference with kids that really struggled, and those who did not.

The difference was that one kids parents were more strict with rules and the other kids parents weren't. Through it, and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, I realized that the reason for the difficulty with those certain teens was due to the lack of concrete boundaries.

If there were very little boundaries, or they were rather flexible, the teens would act out to find them.

It became so clear to me, that when I finally had kids, and they were acting out, I would say to a parent nearby, "Huh, looks like they are looking for a boundary...I'm going to show them where it is!" Then a spanking would commence.

I know we, by our nature, don't seem to like boundaries, but we really have a harder time admitting to ourselves that we do in fact like them.

Boundaries offer a great measure of security, or protection. Even if we don't realize it up front. As we walk along the barrier, we push against it, checking for weakness. Maybe it's to see if we can escape, but more likely, it's to see how firm or secure it is. Once we see how firm it is, both a bit of discouragement, and relief wash over us.

We can't break it...but neither can the evil on the other side...

Mark 2:27

27. Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.

The Sabbath law was a big deal. A day of rest. Just one day! If someone broke it, Moses had commanded that they be stoned to death!

"Ouch, isnt that a bit extreme!?"

Yes, yes it is. This is why Jesus, God Himself, addressed it. It was a barrier, for OUR benefit. We need a day of rest. Shoot, our weekends now have two days, because somewhere along the way, man finally realized the importance of not working ourselves to death.

You must understand then, that ALL the laws God instituted through Moses were for OUR benefit! Why would God care if we were so stupid that we worked every day? Why would He care if we died early with our nose to the grindstone? Why would He care if we sacrificed a family experience, happiness, or peace, just so we could accomplish great things for people who never gave a crap about us at all?

Why would He care?

Yet He does, because He made us to function in a certain way. We are His work. And, He cares about His work.

Faith, as I have said many times, is trusting God. Do you really believe He knows best?

Ah, then why fight against His boundaries?

Why would He hate divorce? Have you ever seen someone go through one? Yeah, ouch!

Have you ever seen someone get caught in a lie, or have you been caught in a lie? Not fun.

Caught steeling? Caught committing adultery? Fornication? Causing an unwed single mother? Yeah, that is not quite the best way to raise a child.

God forbids things not because they are evil, but these things are evil because of how they negatively affect each person and those around them.

He knows what works best. He should! He made everything after all.

Again, it's all about faith. Do you trust Him?

If you don't, well, you will run face first into His boundary.

That really isn't a good idea...

Ah, but maybe, you will begin to trust Him, when you find out why it's there.

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