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Choosing The Finish

The devil has been trying to thwart God's plan since the garden. The tree, the Nephilim, killing the first born, trying to end the family of Israel, and the killing of Jesus; always seeking to mess up God's plan for this universe, without ever understanding that he has been an integral part of God's plan the whole time.

He is just not a big picture guy.

He will not really know the true power of The Living God until it's too late.

You see, Satan is just a plot device. Though he has existed for thousands of years, he will end in the Lake of Fire.

He will end.

How sad...for him.

No one is going to miss him.

He doesn't know God, not really. Sure, he knows God exists better than any of us. He has seen the throne. He has spoken to Him there! Yet, the devil has no clue how big God really is.

If Satan did, he would not ever attempt to thwart God's plan, for that would be useless. Understand then, how important knowing God's power, and sovereignty, is to a simple character.

The antagonist sometimes makes it to the sequel, but eventually has a bad ending within the story arc.

The red shirts never make it to the sequel...never.

Strangely enough, in God's story, somehow we have a choice in what type of character we become. Well, at least it seems that way to us.

Choose well young Skywalker.

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