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Conspiracy Theory

I get the Flat Earth folks. I really do.

Do I think they are right?

Heavens no!

I just understand that there is clearly something wrong, and someone behind it.

Biblically, there is a devil, and he is the Prince of this world.

Me, I think the title for that job is the Morning Star. Why? Because that is what the devil is called in Isaiah 14, and what Jesus is called it in Revelation 22...after He takes over.

Either way, Satan is the current idiot in charge of the world.

"I thought God was in charge?"

Yes, God is in charge ultimately, but if you look at when the devil tempted Jesus, he claimed to be in charge of the world. Jesus did not correct him. Plus, that is what Jesus called him, Prince of this world.

Authority comes from top down. Even if the authority changes by a usurper, it is only taken by someone stronger. Satan did not become prince of this world by deceiving Adam. No, for THE Authority would have stepped in. As THE Author...the authority would not change unless He wanted it to!

"I see what you did there!"

Satan became Prince of the world, just like Michael became Prince of Israel. God, the Father, assigned it to him.

If you look at the book of Enoch, angels were assigned responsibilities to watch over regions on the earth. The book calls them Watchers. They were to manage, like folks renting a Vineyard. Instead, they got "intimately" involved, creating the nephelim, or giants, half angel, half man, adding some possible detail to a rather vague reference in the book of Genesis.

Now, of course, many don't think the book of Enoch is valid, and in one of those councel meetings many, many years ago, men decided it didn't fit, and removed the book from the Bible.

I'm OK with that as God is in control, and if He really wanted it included, we'll, there is no way these men would have been able to remove it.

Still, there is I think, some rather useful information in the book, and because the book is quoted in the book of Jude, which IS in the bible. Particularly, the reference to Angels overstepping their roles as Watchers. I think that is what the current Prince of this world is doing.

Now why is all of this happening under the nose of a sovereign God who does not make any mistakes?

It isn't, but clearly, Satan doesn't know this.

My current theory is that Jesus, who is The Lord even before He was born as a mere man, left after He rose to "go and prepare a place". This place very well could be the New Heaven and New Earth, basically, an entirely new Universe to eventually replace this one.

This, to me, explains why in Revelation 12, it is Micheal who kicks Satan out of heaven and not Jesus Himself. Shoot, Jesus wouldn't need to fight at all! He would just say, "Dude, out!" and it would be so!

It also makes sense to me as to why Satan would be so bold...and stupid. He thinks God left, so there is only Michael to stop Him, and Michael is only the Prince of Israel, Satan is Prince of the entire world.

Of course, this, like many biblical topics, is conjecture based on a small smattering of scripture.

Isn't it risky?

No, as an idea like this, if wrong, will not change my salvation. I just find it interesting, and fun to see if I can put pieces of information together in order to get a better view of God and His plan.

If someone dissagrees with me, it will never hinder any fellowship that I can have with them. We are all growing toward knowledge of God in a different way, and I trust Him.

Either way, Satan is Prince of this world, and he is a rather serious butthead. Because of this, yes, there definately is something sinister behind everything going on in this world.

Consider this. How is it possible for a group of evil, selfish, self-seeking individuals to work together so well? If you grew up like I did on 80's action films, you know...bad guys only work together if they are terrified of a bigger baddie that they all answer to!

Yup! Satan is the biggest baddie in this story. So yes, there is definately something wicked behind closed doors.

The question is how far do you take this information?

Is it just Democrats, or also Republicans. Is it big business, or all business, is it in some churches or all churches?

I think limits are good, and very reasonable. For say a flat earth: I have been in a plane that flew from the US to Australia. The planet is visibly round.

"Ah, but, what if they curved the windows to make it look that way?"

This is the reasonable rub. Yes, if you believe that Satan can totally bamboozle everyone, except a tiny faction, that the earth is round, then it is very possible. Of course, he is deceiving the entire world into believing God does not really there is that.

But, my question is why? I get that Satan is deceiving everyone regarding Jesus, but why would He care if someone didn't recognize the earth as flat? It is not even remotely a salvation issue. It's like arguing over whether someone is not Christian for buying a Christmas tree!

It's never going to stop someone from getting saved. Yet, it may be enough to create division and bad feelings by elevating one "believer" over another.

"If you weren't so stupid and decieved, you could be enlightened like me!"

The crazy idea now has become something directly unbiblical...knowledge puffs up and all.

For me, the simple reason I don't think the earth is flat is because it would mean God is lazy. Which He is not.

Look, when a gaming programmer makes a world for gamers to play in, the world has limits, it has walls. The basic reason for this is that it would take an astronomical amount of time to create an infinite universe in a game. Even if they programmed a repeating scenario, to seem "infinite", it would become very boring as the player moves outward, and the repeating pattern becomes obvious.

God, being outside of time and space doesn't need to use shortcuts. Yes, if you could fly out to the farthest reaches of space, I fully believe you would find whole galaxies with planets and all...details. I think He is just that thorough.

He has spent the last 2000 years working on the New Heaven and the New Earth. Time is not an issue for Him, but wow, 6 days compared to 2000 years? This game sucks!

It is good to think, and better to consider carefully. We just need to understand God, who He is, including His power. That, and know...the scriptures.

We should always start with the basics...Love God, and Love others as yourself.

This alone should end any mean, unfruitful speech!

"Your just stupid!"

"Cognitive dissonance!"

Yes, I've heard "christians" say these very words, when I didn't see it their way.

We need to be able to discuss and argue. The Church needs to talk to each other to get a bigger view, or perspective on God. If done correctly, with the right heart, every dissagreement will drive one or both straight into the depths of God's word!

That, is a very good thing.

Not discussing for fear of argument, well, it is a bit cowardly, and not useful. Additionally, if you do not correct a bad idea, it is NOT doing a good service when you had an opportunity, somewhat like not telling someone about Jesus, because you didn't want to offend...

So, please tell me of your out there idea. I've got a few of my own.

Just know, if you become insulting...I will stop and no longer discuss the matter with you.

Well, at least until you grow enough to do it without acting like the current Morning Star.

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