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Conversation as a Priority

I became a Christian 40 years ago this year. I had thought I was a Christian as a child, because I was incorrectly raised with the idea that I was. I didn't really believe it, even though our family went to church.

When I accepted the knowledge that Jesus was in fact God of this universe, and forgiveness and acceptance came from what Jesus did, I still did not walk with Him correctly for two years. I was a Christian, but I did not yet understand that I needed to make Him a priority. He wrecked my world to get me to see it. So, 38 years ago, Jesus became my everything.

In the early days, He went out if His way to teach me His voice. He taught me many things in those days, but that I can actually talk to Him was easily the most life changing.

Though for whatever reason, I do get some communication from Him that most people don't, particularly dreams and visions. My wife, Martha doesn't, and most Christians I know don't either. I had always thought it was because I put Him first because of that first vision I had of Him in 1984. Now, I just think it's because I needed it more than others just to pull through the trials He had planned. Either way, that extra communication served His purpose and kept me close to Him.

Before all that, before I became a Christian and the two lame years I started with, I had a terribly incorrect view of the God of all things.

God is a massive being, infinite, outside of time and space, kind, but also scary like the terrible power of a Super Nova. He can be incredibly nice, forgiving and peaceful like a 60's hippy, but also frightening enough to rip open the ground and swallow entire families, including children.

He has raised widow's sons from the dead and wiped out armies in the hundreds of thousands. He created all life including puppies and kittens, as well as Satan, demons and evil men.

He freely offers forgiveness, yet will judge all who reject Him with rules they can't possibly live up to.


I don't know. But what I do know is that God is good no matter what perspective of Him I see at the time, scary or super kind.

I understand that because of my conversations with Him.

Look, though I do get dreams and visions, it's the little chats with Him that have built up my relationship with this massive being that assures me of my wonderful place in this universe. I have an excellent confidence, that no matter what happens or stupid things I do, He will always love me and has an awesome plan for me now and after I exit this life. Yes, I really, really do.

Do you want that?

Before 1984, I didn't even know that was possible...wrong view of God and all.

It is possible!

The first thing you need, is to want it. There were all kinds of disciples of Jesus, there were the multitudes that followed Him around as He visited their towns. There were 70 that He sent out to do some special tasks. There were the 12 apostles who followed Him much more closely. Finally, there were the three closest to Him...Peter, James and John.

What do you want?

Me, since the first vision of Him in 1984, I wanted to be as close to Him as one of the three. There is nothing wrong with the 70, or even the multitude, but our desire to seek Him will determine our place in this relationship.

We do need to have a relationship.

He wants to be known by us, not just known about. He is not looking for distant fans who have never spoken with Him. Yes, this is so. Remember the guy with only one talent. You can't expect Jesus to accept you if you didn't do anything with the knowledge of His actual existence.

Don't bury this relationship.

As it says in the parable, we need to make this thing grow.

All relationships grow through communication. The book helps. Scriptures can tell you much about God, but I think they are more important in guiding our conversation to know God's voice. He will never disagree with what He had written. In other words, God will never tell you to cheat on your wife or murder someone, even if they are performing abortions...never.

Your place in eternity is decided here and now by your actions. You can't be good enough. Ah, but you don't have to if you know the judge.

The actions that will make the difference are your efforts to communicate and get to know the judge of all things.




He really is an awesome person. The best I have ever known, even when He is really, really scary.

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