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Creating Our Own Religion

There is a belief in western culture, influenced heavily by Christianity, but still wrong, that relatively good people who die will go to heaven (especially our loved ones).

Heaven is a biblical place that angels and God dwell. It is a higher dimensional level that leads to a final place of eternal life. The current heaven will end, it is not permanent. There will be a new one and a new earth as well. This “final level” will be permanent, according to scripture.

Jesus teaches plainly on the subject of who goes to heaven and why, and it has absolutely nothing to do with being good.

You see, He states over and over that no one is good enough. This is why He died on the cross. It was to make the only way into this eternal existence. There is no other way, or He is not who He said He is. If it is all a lie, then heaven doesn’t exist at all and we have bigger problems than worrying about where our loved ones end up when they die.

Jesus IS the only way. He died to pay a price that was due, to show God’s grace, and to reveal God’s true nature to those who accept Him and trust Him. Salvation, or being saved, is just what it says it is. We are saved for the next level …heaven. If our loved ones do not accept Jesus Christ, then they will not be able to enter that level no matter how good you think they are.

Look, I didn’t make the rules. All I can do is teach what is already written. Many have taught this information incorrectly, mostly because they want to make it easier (like it isn’t easy enough already). It may make us feel good when someone passes to ignore the fact that they rejected Jesus Christ because “Who needs religion!”

“But they were nice to everyone!” That doesn’t matter, according to Jesus’ own words.

Believing in Jesus is the only path to eternal life. Additionally, as is written all over the book, believing in something creates action. If I believe in who Jesus is, then I will not lie. Lies displease God and show a lack of trust in His ability to take care of us. Liars will never enter the kingdom of heaven…yes it is written to be so.

Forgiveness can be had at any time, but faith is the only path to it. Repentance isn’t turning from sinful behavior; it is turning to God in trust! Once we trust, sin just falls from our behavior. Faith grows by knowing the object of our faith through His word. How can you trust in someone you don’t even know? You can’t.

If you or your loved ones are not looking into God’s word and not walking a life of faith, you and them, are at risk.

Your feelings on the matter are not relevant. Truth is truth whether we like it or not. The bible is either true or it isn’t. Heaven is a biblical concept. You can make up your own rules on how people get into this realm, but then you can also try to make up your own rules on how you can be president. If you believe with all your heart that you are president, even though you never won an election, you will end up in jail or the nut house just for trying to sit in the oval office. It is delusional, not noble.

If you really want to reach the next level, the biblical level that leads to eternal life, then you will have to follow the rules laid out by the book that tells us that this level exists.

Mourn those who pass, that you love. Pray that they make a right decision before they go, but please, don’t be deceived. The struggle is not a light matter and hoping for the best when you can know for a fact is just plain crazy.

Que song: Hail to the Chief.

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