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Do You See Value...or Not

Updated: Jun 21

Do you remember that ad for E.F. Hutton? The ads always ended with a large group of people stopping at the mention of their name, and said "When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen."

It was an attempt by E.F. Hutton to portray their company as one with great value. I think it was effective, as I remember it from over 40 years ago. So do many others around my age.



Definition of value

  1. as in worth

the amount of money for which something will find a buyer the real value of that house is close to a million dollars

I've been posting on my Facebook page for over 14 years now. Biblical insights, and things God is doing and teaching. I have been rather disappointed in the response I have gotten, especially from those I once considered friends, and mentors.

I've also had a blog site for as many years. I had one follower, who added his name in exchange for me following his blog site. He never posted a like, or comment on anything I wrote.

7, or 8, months ago, I created a new website, cleaned up posts, and added images to everything I have written. I have only one follower on that one too. Though I post the article headline on Facebook only a very few like them on my page. The most views I ever got was 14 on one post, I'm guessing someone actually shared it. Kudos to them.

I've even gotten likes on Facebook from people who haven't even read the article. Yes, I can see on the site when someone reads them.

To have value...or not have value. That is the question.

Am I valued by my friends? Oh, yes, I'm good for a party, or someone to help when needed. But does my mind, heart, my opinions, and cares matter? Does what God shows me matter?

One follower. One share.

It speaks loudly to me.

"Maybe they disagree with what you write, and don't want to offend."

Ah, what if you disagree with someone's lifestyle. Maybe they are caught up in a cult, drugs, adultery, or alcohol? Maybe they don't really believe in Jesus. Do you tell them?

Do you care? Do they have value?

You would say something if you cared about them. If you valued them. To not do something, well, is a sin.

James 4:17

17. Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.

The most disappointing thing about my posts, and articles are those past "mentors".


Oh, I have had a few people respond in disagreement. Generally they start off combative, but after a few back and forth points between us, they go dark after I offer a valid counterpoint.

Was I right, and they don't want to admit it, or do they think I'm so lost that I am irredeemable?


I have even been yelled at in the midst of a discussion, many times! Yelling, or rudeness is no way to teach. Intimidation is an admission of failure in an argument.

Most often I get either the ghosting, or some sort of insulting comment. I've even gotten an insulting meme.

I cherish that one! It is a perfect example of what I'm saying.

I keep all of these on Facebook for educational purposes. If anyone cares to see.

I have stated from the beginning, 14 years ago, that my goal in writing has been to start a dialogue.

Fourteen years, and I got a nothing burger.

I am fully convinced that the most major thing missing in the church, is the heart to learn from each other.

Instead of understanding that God speaks through all of us, "church" people went lazy, and decided to trust one, or a few men, to be their source of information from God.

How sad!

Do you not understand that God will most often speak through the unimpressive? Fishermen anyone?

Acts 4:13

13. When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

Understand then, He does this to teach the humble, and give reason to judge the proud.

"But Lord, you never told me that!"

"Ah, But I did, many times. You just didn't want to hear it."

The thing about being deceived, is that you don't know you are.

I find this scary enough to check myself...often.

2 Corinthians 13:5

5. Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you--unless, of course, you fail the test?

Do I value God? Yes.

Do I trust Him to speak to me? Yes.

Do I hear Him from any source?

I sure hope so!

I value Him, and He values even the least of His.

So should I.

So should we all.

That definitely has value.

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