Don’t Be a Jerk!
Consider King Saul, do you really think he thought he was wrong in his treatment of David? Then consider David, he was clearly favored by God, but at that time, it may have not been so obvious. Looking at it now, it seems insane for Saul to treat David badly. I mean he was DAVID, the man after God’s own heart!
During our walk here on this earth, God has people walking along with us that are important to Him, and His plan. These people have a special calling, and they will not look any different than the rest of us.
They may or may not be successful in work or ministry. They may or may not be good looking. They may or may not be socially awkward. You may not be able to tell at all that God’s hand is very strong on them. You may not realize it, like Saul, until it is way too late…
The religious leaders didn’t recognize Jesus or John the Baptist. The Kings and nobles of Israel didn’t recognize most of the prophets. The men of Sodom did not recognize Lot. The Jewish leaders did not recognize the apostles, and many in the church did not recognize Paul.
It is easy to see who these men and women were, now, as we read about them in the pages of scripture. We, of course, like to think that we would recognize them if we were there next to them, but the truth is…we wouldn’t. How could we? We would not have seen all the things God is doing behind the scenes, or the effect of their walk until after they leave this world.
There is an inherent danger with this dilemma. None of us wants to be the Saul or Herod or a Pharisee in this lifetime. No one would call out to God asking to be the villain opposing God’s called man or woman while building up a case for their own judgement by God. No, no one with a right mind would ever want that. I am sure Saul wouldn’t have.
So why was Saul awful to David? David seemed to be a threat to Saul’s power. He actually wasn’t as was proven later when David refused to hurt Saul. But Saul did struggle with jealousy as David received more praise that he did. Either way, Saul’s feelings and pride got the best of him. He became that villain standing against God’s man and thus standing in opposition to God. This is not a place anyone should be in, but they are.
It is written to be kind to strangers as they may be angels without us knowing it. The word angel means messenger and doesn’t always apply to those celestial beings. Sometimes it applies to men and women of God, simply because He has called them to deliver a message. Since it is really hard to tell who has a special calling and who does not, it is then rather wise to be kind to all.
We will be judged according to our words, but it also applies to our actions. Do you want to end this life well? Do you want to hear “well done!”? I do.
It is really simple then, don’t be a anyone.