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Driving By Faith

Updated: Dec 14, 2023

As I drove to work this morning, I apparently had one of those commutes where every evil soul on the planet is driving behind me. I hate being tailgated, I mean I really hate it.

It's rude. It's like standing in a line and being pushed to move forward. Being half Italian, I feel strongly that those useless specks of dust deserve the lowest depths of hell and I would relish in hearing their screams.

No, it's not very Christlike of, not at all. But not being honest isn't either.

The Holy Spirit has admonished me many times over the years, but this is one of those areas of weakness that God has left in me to struggle with. Yeah, one of those. The sinful attitudes or habits that God just won't take away (which He could if He wanted to), so we can grow in faith.

"What does it have to do with fairh?"


Faith is not an active action, it is a passive action. It grows as we get closer in our relationship to God. We know Him as we pursue Him and His kingdom, His rule. Faith changes us because we grow to trust God's will, and let ours go.

When we surrender and submit to the authority of God, and accept His soveriegnty over all things. ALL things! Yes, even those grievously evil tailgaters who should die in a flaming pile of poo.

God is in charge of everything. Yes, this is what Scripture teaches. Both success and disaster come from Him, not our wonderfully wise decisions. So, when we have a day that every evil scumbag comes out of the woodwork to push our little red button, it is obviously something the master of time and space is doing.

Considering this, as I drove to work this morning, I again realized that the one who I am really mad at over the useless bag of water behind me, is the one who made him, the one who uses this and every minion of hell to make us grow in that faith, that trust in the Sovereign Lord that Jesus is looking for.

We are the work of God, not what we do.

I know I need to trust Him. So, by calling the pathetic piece of garbage "stupid", I might as well have put Jesus' name behind it!

"Heavens no! I don't want to do that!"

By accepting Him and His word, pursuing it with passion, we will not only learn these truths, but embrace them. This will bring freedom.

After several loud insults, realizing that I was insulting the poor man's maker, I apologized to my Father as the unsaved, hurting man passed by on the double yellow line.

I am growing. Yes it is a long and slow process, but I am growing.

The Father is always at work. On me and you.

After the guy passed me, I prayed for a policeman to be up ahead.

OK, I still have a long way to go...

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