Enjoy The Ride
Isaiah 14:14
I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High."
The devil wants to be like God, and he passed along this stupid idea to mankind.
Genesis 3:5
"For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
Works are any effort to become like God.
The Law, perfect works, shows us that we cannot become God.
Only one guy fully obeyed the Law, and that was because He was God.
Faith is accepting God as He is, while trusting He accepts us as we are.
Jesus died to prove how much we are worth to Him, even though we are not good enough.
The more you fall into this feeling that you need to do something, that you must be better, the less you trust in God's acceptance through Jesus Christ.
Free will is the lie. That God is somehow limited by you.
He is not, because He is God and you are not.
He either made you good enough, or He didn't. You are either saved, or you are not. There is no changing what God does...because no one is powerful enough to stop Him.
You cannot mess up God's plan. You cannot, by your choices, upset His apple cart.
You cannot because you are not, and cannot become like God.
Stop believing the devil's lie. There is great peace in accepting the truth.
You are God's work, not yours.
Rest in that, trust in Him, and you will accomplish all that God has for you...because that is what HE will do.
That is true freedom.
Just enjoy the ride.