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Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

Updated: May 16

John 5:19

19. Jesus gave them this answer: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

The more we try to control our lives, the less Jesus is Lord to us.

God, The Father, is in control. Do you believe it? Jesus is The Father yet, in time. He is the exact representation of The Father.

He acts in time for our benefit, the same way the Sabbath was made for our benefit. It is to help us relate to a being so vast, so incomprehensible, that we would not be able to be near without losing our minds.

Faith is the goal, the harvest, that God is looking for. Faith is trust in Him. Trust, not just that He will accept us, but also that He can and does govern all things the best way possible.

Do you trust our current leaders?

"Hell no!"

With good reason. They have made a mess of things, and are constantly caught lying and cheating...without consequence. It's enough to make you question the control of God.

"Is He sleeping?

"Is He on vacation?

No, a being of His caliber is not in time, has no need of sleep or a vacation. This is why it is important to know God enough to accept His control.

He IS the Author. There is no other. Satan and all his minions are characters like us. Sure, Satan is more powerful than a mere man, yet compared to God? Well, the dude is as useless, and small, as a gerbil.


Fear is not faith. We should not be afraid of the governments of men. Yes, they might kill, hurt, or take. They cannot affect our eternal outcome, and what they can do is held completely in The Author's absolute grip.

"So, if it happens, it is from God?

Yes, that IS what is written.

"I don't like that!"

Why? Do you really believe this is all there is? What if you end up with a virus that makes you permanently blind. Sure it would suck to not be able to see. Was God sleeping? Could He not have stopped it? Could He not heal you now?

Of course He could. So, do you trust His purpose and plan?

Revelation 13:8-10

8. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast--all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.

9. He who has an ear, let him hear.

10. If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed. This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints.

Do you have this kind of trust? Patient endurance and faithfulness, the kind that will trust God's plan when facing the gallows or a prison camp? Is your life here expendable?

It is, whether you believe it or not.

Jesus, being God's exact representation in time, as a man even, walked with The Father in a constant state of trust...of faith. He SAW what The Father was doing.


Faith is sight.

All I can do is to tell you what I've learned. You will have to "see" it for yourself. Anytime I have been given the authority to speak a word from God, through His Holy Spirit, I KNEW it was. There was no doubt, and when delivered, it hit with the appropriate impact that a paralyzed man waking would.

That "knowing" is seeing. That "knowing" is hearing. This is how and why I write, even though my readers can be counted on one hand...sometimes less.

I just know.

This is how Jesus "saw" what the Father was doing, and it's starts with trusting that God is FULLY in control.

"Well, Jesus, being The Father and all, it must not have been that hard for Him..."

According to Phillipians Chapter 2, Jesus left much of Himself to become a mere man. Talk about humbling! He was just a man, but with the Heart of God. He was THE perfect man. So His faith and trust were...perfect.

He is the perfect example. Look at the night in garden. He didn't want to go to the cross. Who would!? It was gonna hurt. Yet, He accepted The Father's will, the Father's control. God could have stopped it, but Jesus trusted His Father that if it was going to happen, that there was NO other way.

The Father Knows Best.

To walk by The Spirit is to walk by faith. It begins with trusting God over all things, then trusting The Father to guide you through it.

Every decision we make. Every road we take. He is not just watching. He is controlling. He is making it happen. Even if it leads to our death.

IF you trust Him, He WILL point the way. You can, and will, see what The Father is doing. It just starts with Trusting He is good enough to be your Lord.

Is He your Lord?

Do you trust Him in your terrible job?

Do you trust Him in your difficult marriage?

Do you trust Him with your messed up family?

Do you trust Him with your scary looking future?

That will be shown by what you do. Sure, fix what you can, but within the rules. If you break His rules, you do not trust Him. You are not "seeing" what The Father is doing. You are not making Jesus your Lord.

This is a huge problem.

If you truly want power in this life, trusting God IS the only way.

Trust He is in control.

Trust He will guide you.

Seek to know Him.

This here, is the cure for any blind and deaf man.

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