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For A Limited Time Only!

Updated: May 16, 2024

God's favor isn't shown in your life by things going the way you want.

No, it is shown by how well you know Him, and how close you walk with Him.

If you look at David, at first glance, it appears God's favor is shown by all his successful battles, his wealth, and the way everyone fawned over him. Yet, he didn't get to know God in the good times, rather, in the very difficult ones.

In the bad times he wrote the most telling psalms about his God. During the good ones, the comfortable times...well, Bathsheba anyone?

David knew God in a very close and relational way. So did Moses. So did Elijah. So did Daniel. These guys all grew closer to God in difficulty. It was God, in His favor, making them to see Him in a much more intimate way.

Interest in God is not natural. It is laid upon us by God who is Supernatural. Without His intervention, men and women wouldn't care to even look in His direction.

Favor is forever.

He may "bless" you with a great career, a world renown surgeon or pastor. The envy of all who see you. Yet, when your life ends, nothing here remains. What will you have left?

That relationship with God.

If there isn't one...yeah, not so good.

If there is one, it will just keep growing from there, forever.

Knowing about someone, isnt the same as knowing them.

Sure, your seeking of God is up to you, but that desire is given by Him.

Revelation 3:15-16

15. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!

16. So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Luke 14:26

26. "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple.

Matthew 6:33

33. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

There is a rather large amount of scripture pointing to the importance of seeking God above all else. I have only listed a few.

Faith is sight. You were blind, but now you see.

Can you see it? Are you seeking Him first?

No? Well you could become like Elon Musk, a captain of industry and science. He is still less impressive than King Saul, and Saul didn't end well.

Jesus, the greatest of ALL, God in human form, was a failed carpenter/minister. His own abandoned Him in His hour of need. Yet, in all that pain, the favor of The Father is obvious. Jesus is raised up as Lord of Lord's, and King of Kings.

God's favor shines on you when you know God, when you seek Him above all else. Though it will never be impressive in this life, it will set you up in the highest place in the next...the one that lasts forever.

Matthew 20:16

16. "So the last will be first, and the first will be last."

In light of how most "Christians" are so comfortable with just going to church, posting "christiany" memes, and covering their walls with pictures of the serenity prayer, confident in their holiness, are they seeking?

Comfortable is not really favor. No, struggle is.

A Psalm of Saul

God loves me.

I won another battle again!

Yay, me!

I always win, because God loves me.

Even my enemy, who some losers say should replace me, is living in a cave like some animal.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha! Indeed. Saul, like Judas, like Pharoh, or like many including Satan, do very well for a while...

Do you want God's favor?

Seek to know Him above all else.

Otherwise, you are just another narcissist who expects God to serve him.

Oh, He will...only for a limited time.

That won't end well, no mater how much you "believe" it.


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